This listing was last updated by the Calgary organiser on: 2025-02-12
Please head over to LinkedIn and join our group there for regular updates:
Great turnout for our events this year so far, and thank you to our past sponsors: PCL, Stantec, 4Elements, SkyFire Energy and Introba, WSP, Remedy, Teknion and Entuitive.
See you all at 4.30pm on FRIDAY
Calgary Green Drinks will take place on the first Friday of each month.
Upcoming Events with Sponsors:
February 7th - REINBOLD Engineering
March 7th - Kern Industries / KOHLER
April 4th - ROC Modular
May 2nd - JRS Engineering
June 6th - 475 High Performance Building Supply
July- Off for stampede
Calgary Green Drinks is friendly, supportive, networking and fun.
Bring an old name badge and mingle!
James Joyce Pub
114 - 8th Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB
Watch this space!
Matt Grace, Chandan Jain