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Vancouver Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Vancouver organiser on: 2020-08-26

Vancouver Green Drinks

Monthly Vancouver Green Drinks Event Details


When: Normally we meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month (5:30/6pm till 9pm) but we have suspended in-person gatherings until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check our FB group or Eventbrite events for any announcements for online events.

Where: Online for now

Join our Facebook Group for the latest updates. 

We hope to see you at our next event!


Vancouver Green Drinks Team

Contact Information: Email us at greendrinksvancouver@gmail.com

What is Green Drinks?

A casual monthly gathering for anyone interested in sustainability issues. The drinks aren't green but the people are!

There's no agenda or other formality - it's just a chance to meet regularly to chat, debate, socialize and connect with others in Vancouver who are passionate about environmental and all things ‘green’.

Vancouver Green Drinks is NOT directly associated with the Green Party or any other political, corporate or government groups in any way (although they are more than welcome to come…and they do).

We are not even an organization ourselves, simply an informal gathering coordinated by a few individuals. Kind of like a big house party for greenies, but without the house!

If you want info on local environmental job postings, seminars and events please check out CEP (Connecting Environmental Professionals): www.cepvancouver.org

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How does it work?

Come on in, grab a name tag (or better yet, bring your own) and feel free to approach anyone. There is usually a sign-up sheet if you want to join our listserv.

Not sure how to start? Don’t worry, most people don’t know anyone else when they arrive. The most common method is to buy a drink or some food up at the bar and then randomly start listening in on whatever conversation is going on in the room. Eavesdropping and lurking are socially acceptable at Green Drinks! Feel free to say hi to anyone and everyone and try to talk to different people each time you come. If there’s something in particular you’d like to discuss please say the word. Most people wander around the room but there are tables with chairs for those who prefer to sit.

We want Green Drinks to as inclusive and welcoming as possible so if you see anyone looking a bit daunted or lost just give a quick “hello” and invite them over to join in your conversation. You’ll be glad you did.

Green Drinkers are welcome to display cards, brochures, info sheets, posters, magazines and newsletters on the table at Green Drinks. However, we must insist that you bring no more than five and take them all away when you leave.

Over the coming months let’s try some new things to ensure Green Drinks is a satisfying experience for everyone. If you have any suggestions or want to help please get in touch (greendrinksvancouver@gmail.com).

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Note about Lenami

Most of you have heard news of the tragic hang-gliding accident on April 28th, 2012 in which Lenami Godinez lost her life. Lenami was the coordinator of Green Drinks in early 2012 with David. As you can imagine, there has been tremendous shock and grief for family and friends, as well as within the wider community. It is just coming to light how many were touched by the life of this amazing young woman.

Those of you who talked with Lenami knew her to be compassionate, intelligent, adventurous, fun-loving, and incredibly dedicated to sustainability and community service. She will be greatly missed.

A memorial fund has been created to honour Lenami and her desire to establish a scholarship that would positively impact Mexican women. It is in this spirit that a scholarship has been set up at SFU for a female student who has “demonstrated passion for sustainability and volunteerism within the Mexican-Canadian community”.  Lenami would have appreciated this positive action.

Please contribute if you can and share the donation website with others:  www.rememberinglena.com

For many of us, Lenami's legacy is a loving reminder to keep working for positive change, that one person can have a huge effect on the lives of others. Thank you all for your continued efforts to make this a healthier and more equitable world.

Who are Green Drinkers in Vancouver?

We come from all ages, backgrounds and groups and everyone with an interest in sustainability is welcome. Green Drinkers represent non-profit organizations, academia, government, small business, big business, self-employed, volunteers, students, concerned citizens...and everything in between. Whether you're keen on green building & design, sustainable energy, organic gardening, or something else entirely, you'll find like-minded people.

T-shirt or a suit, come as you are. You don’t even have to drink to be a Green Drinker!

Average attendance ranges from 20-50, with new people stopping in every time. You never know what interesting folks are going to show up; it’s different each month.


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How did it start?

Green Drinks began with a few noble souls in the UK back in 1989 - yay, thanks Edwin et al! - and over the years has spread far beyond the smokey pubs of London. The first Canadian Green Drinks started up in Vancouver in February 2005 by Rika Saha, Lyda Salatian and Christina Olsen (that's the 3 of us in the photo below). Rika & Lyda are currently off in other parts of the world but fortunately we have Ran Guin to provide any needed assistance. He's also great at pedal-powering DJ turntables at Christmas parties, as pictured below.

There are now many other Green Drinks all across the country and the rest of this website has information on many of the hundreds of others all over the world. Each one is different but all are part of a movement in sustainability networking.


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Other Vancouver Green Drinks Events

Although Green Drinks in Vancouver is primarily the monthly pub gathering, we occasionally do other events. In the summer it’s good to get out for a BBQ in the park if we can. December usually brings a holiday party, sometimes with entertainment and sometimes as a fund-raiser for some local non-profit organization.

In 2008 Green Drinkers helped remove invasive plants in Stanley Park and in 2005 we partnered with One Day Vancouver for a Car Free Day party.

 pullingivy.jpg picture by gdvancouver  Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Our December holiday parties have included:

·        Co-hosted events with several Vancouver non-profit organizations, including: BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA), Connecting Environmental Professionals (CEP), Net Impact and the Cascadia branch of the US & Canadian Green Building Councils.

·        Live music from the Hot Breakfast band

·        Pedal Play bicycle-powered DJ sound system

·        Solar Powered Road Show solar lie detector test

·        Fundraisers for Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) and Farm Folk/City Folk, bringing in over $2,000 for each organization.

·        Food collection for the Vancouver Food Bank

·        Slideshows & displays on issues of sustainable transportation, local food and related environmental issues.

·        Contest & raffle prizes: bike lights, hemp & bamboo t-shirts, sustainable food recipe books, weather calendars, gift certificates, and many others courtesy of fabulous local green businesses.

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Our Summer BBQs have included:

·        Vegetarian hotdogs & burgers from Earthsave

·        Volleyball, badminton, bocce, frisbee and other games

·        Drumming workshop by Public Dreams Society

·        Impromptu fire juggling, guitar playing and singing by Green Drinkers!

·        Solar panel powered PA system for keynote addresses by Bob Walker, VP of Sustainability with the Ethical Funds Company & Cheeying Ho, Executive Director of Smart Growth BC.

·        Tyee contest announcement

·        “Green Skyline” partnership with Shared Vision

·        Electric bike test rides

·        Contests (and prizes!) for getting to the park in the most creative low impact way – people biked, scootered, bussed, walked, piggybacked, crawled, skateboarded, and kayaked.

·        Hundreds of people eating, playing, and generally having fun in the great outdoors.


 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting  drummingworkshopsummerbbq.jpg image by gdvancouver

Check out our other photos for a peek at what Green Drinkers get up to…

Green Drinks Ivy pull at Stanley Park, March 2008

GreenDrinksgroupshot2.jpg picture by gdvancouver

loneivypuller.jpg picture by gdvancouver  funkyhairedgreendrinker.jpg picture by gdvancouver

Green Drinks Summer BBQs

(queues for food, Choices tent, electric bikes & vehicles, drumming workshop, volleyball, badminton, fire entertainment, random picnicing)

lineup.jpg image by gdvancouverChoices.jpg image by gdvancouversummerbbq.jpg image by gdvancouversideviewsummerbbq.jpg image by gdvancouver

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December Holiday Parties

(Photos from 2005 & 2006:  Solar Powered Roadshow lie detector test, Hot Breakfast band, Pedal Play bicycle powered DJ system, eco raffle prizes, general merriment)

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Photos from various Vancouver Green Drinks since 2005 

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