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Canberra Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Canberra organiser on: 2024-12-15

Green Drinks Canberra: Inclusive. Informal. Freeform. Friendly. Monthly. Networking.

Green Drinks Canberra is a monthly event for socialising and professional networking, created for those interested in environmental sustainability and eco-efficiency.

Green Drinks is your must-attend monthly hub for meeting other people doing important things, and learning about other events happening around Canberra.

Green Drinks Canberra event photo - Edwina Robinson speaking at King O'Malley's Irish Pub
Above: photo of Edwina Robinson speaking at June 2018 Green Drinks Canberra event

Date rule: the second Tuesday of each month.

Venue: King O’Malley’s Irish Pub, 131 City Walk, Canberra (meet at the long tables in The Arcade: look for signs with the Green Drinks Canberra logo)

RSVP: Not required, but handy as a memory-jogger. [Use our Eventbrite listings to RSVP].

Cost: Free entry, pay for own drinks.

Start time: 5:30 pm until whenever. Arrive at a time that suits you.

Sixty Second Soapbox: At 6:00 pm, we pause the room's freeform conversations for the Sixty Second Soapbox. Each person, if they choose, will have the opportunity to speak for up to 60 seconds (mercilessly enforced!) This is a great way to share information about upcoming events, to find collaborators for projects, or to share interesting news.

Guest talks: Each Green Drinks Canberra event features a guest speaking about their field of expertise. This talk begins shortly after 6:00 pm, and lasts approximately 10 minutes, with time for audience Q&A afterwards.

Mailing list: Join our monthly email newsletter. (We promise we will not spam you).

This is an event for environmentally-minded Canberrans who meet for a monthly drink. An excellent way to:
• meet like-minded people
• make friends and contacts
• learn about interesting projects / organisations from around the Canberra area
• discuss and collaborate on projects
• stumble upon 'eureka' moments

Essentially, the aim is to be a social think-tank with the environment as the common denominator. Green Drinks are agenda-free and non-politically aligned (read more). Individuals from businesses, not-for-profits, government, academia, and community groups welcome, as well as those with personal projects!

Primary contact channel is via our email mailing list. Be sure to join it! We are also on Facebook and Eventbrite.

To contact the organiser with a question/request not covered by this page, email greendrinkscanberra@gmail.com (inbox checked only once per month).

Future events:

Past events:

Green Drinks Canberra: Inclusive. Informal. Freeform. Friendly. Monthly. Networking.