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Coventry Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Coventry organiser on: 2025-02-28

Green Drinks is active in over 400 cities worldwide! Green Drinks started in 1990 and is fundamentally about face to face interaction. It's a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new connections. 

Do you:

  1. Work in the green/environmental sector?
  2. Have an interest in sustainability?
  3. Want to live a more natural, healthy lifestyle?

Answered YES to 1, 2 or all of the above? Come along and socialise with like-minded people at COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS!


DATE: Thursday 27 March 2025

TIME: Any time between 5.30pm to 8.30pm

RSVP: Before Monday 24 March 2025 

As a table has been reserved at the Slug and Lettuce Coventry, an update has to be given to the venue which helps with their planning. Please send an e-mail to the e-mail address below before Monday 24 March 2025:

1. If you are attending or might attend on Thursday 27 March 2025

2. Number of people

3. Time you are planning to arrive - if you know.


COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS is very informal. There is no meeting, agenda, presentation, or 60 seconds introductions. Please see details below.

Your friendly local co-ordinator Tripta will be there to welcome you.

Look forward to seeing you! 



"Very enjoyable and informal gathering in an equally relaxed bar.  Great to have a group of this kind in the locality and would highly recommend this as an ideal opportunity to get to know other people with similar interests."

"I have really enjoyed coming to Green Drinks, meeting different people and learning about each other's cultures and passions.  Brings the community together. It's a fantastic way of being part of our wonderful Coventry community." 

"Lovely location.  Opportunity to meet like-minded people and enjoy a variety of subjects and conversation. Friendly atmosphere."



Informal Social Networking Event.

COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS started in 2010.

We have a lively mixture of people attend COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS, from diverse sectors, and people who have a passion for health, fitness, environment, nature, wellbeing and sustainability. 


Last Thursday of the month, except December. You can come whenever you want.                   DATES: 27 Mar 2025 | 24 Apr 2025...

TIME Any time between 5.30pm to 8.30pm.       
AGE 18+

Slug and Lettuce Coventry, The Old County Hall, Bayley Lane, Coventry, CV1 5RN. In the city centre, opposite the Cathedral Ruins. Look out for the COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS sign, or ask one of the staff at the bar where we are.

COST  Free entry, pay for own drinks/meal.  
DRINKS/FOOD Have a drink and/or meal. The venue caters for people with dietary requirements which includes vegan (VG), vegetarian (V) and non-gluten (NGCI) options. Hot drinks are also served.

Bus Services | Cycle Parking | Car Parks



If you would like to be added to the mailing list for invitation reminders about future events, please send an e-mail. This e-mail list is ONLY for COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS reminders. Please add the e-mail address below to your safe senders list.

To opt-out of receiving COVENTRY GREEN DRINKS reminder e-mails, click on the unsubscribe link at the end of the e-mail.

CONTACT Tripta (She/Her)
E-MAIL enquiries [at] givingtimeandsolutions [dot] com


Logo/Poster designed by: Coventry Positive Images Festival

Last updated: Fri 28 Feb 2025