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Quad Cities Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Quad Cities organiser on: 2025-01-30

Join us next Thursday Feb 6 at 5 pm for February Green Drinks. Eighth grader Nicolina Pappas will share with us her environmental advocacy journey. She founded Nicolina's Turtle Co. when she was 8 years old, https://nicolinasturtleco.com. She promotes the use of reusable straws and raises money for education and conservation efforts. Nicolina is about to launch a state-level advancement of Skip the Plastic Campaign https://nicolinasturtleco.com/skip-the-plastic. Come listen to her story, celebrate her successes, and wish her good luck in this project. 

To join the meeting, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoduGpqTIsH9fD6ssFCjEteY09ZHZ41w6m, a Zoom link will be sent to you. You can also use the QR code in the flyer to access the registration page. This session will be recorded, all registrants will receive a link and passcode to access the recording. If you prefer not to have your image in the recording, please turn off your video.