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South Bend Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the South Bend organiser on: 2025-03-02


We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month at a locally owned establishment in the South Bend area.

5:30-7:00 p.m. March 18th

Join us Tuesday, March 18th, from 5:30 - 7:00 pm at The Rocki Button at 435 S. Michigan St, South Bend, IN 46601 with Ben Carson, an Educator with the St. Joe County Solid Waste Management District. With global news easier to find than ever before, it can be difficult to know what applies to you, and what does not. That is certainly the case for residents of St. Joseph County. At March's Green Drinks, we will explore the local recycling programs available to residents, the price paid, and what actually happens to all the items that get recycled through the system.



South Bend Green Drinks began in 2009 with a handful of people gathering together.  That handful of people has grown into 20-30 each month.  People from all walks of life come together over their common interest in sustainability, the environment, and all things green.  

For more information contact Linda Raven at 

or call 317-969-5797

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