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Tooting Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Tooting organiser on: 2021-07-09

Tooting Green Drinks: a new Green Drinks for this diverse and vibrant part of SW London Third Wednesday of every Month 


Why might you come? To share green ideas for our local area and have space to discuss bigger issues / hear guest speakers / get to know and connect with local supportive folks.

UPDATE: Tooting Green Drinks has gone online. In a rapidly evolving and improvised format, we have held space for community discussion given the Coronavirus lockdown in Tooting, in London, in the UK and beyond. Join in via our Facebook group here.

NEXT GREEN DRINKS: Wednesday 21st July, Share and Repair! Join Hilary Jennings and Joe Duggan of Library of Things to explore the sharing and repairing revolution! Presented as part of Tooting Repair Week, 12th - 18th July. To access this online meeting, join our Facebook group here

Our format is developing, though. We are holding these discussions weekly, although we're taking a break tonight, the lockdown lowdown has looked like this:

Wednesday 19th May, 7.30 -9pm. A Brief History of Bees and Flower, the first 150 million Years. Join Richard Glassborow in exploring the place of a sometimes furry winged friends in the evolution of London. 

Wednesday 15th April: Incredible Edible Todmorden come tell their wonderful story of food activism that has inspired so many Incredible Edible gropups around the world. We'll be joined by Mary Clear, Chairperson and co-founder. 

End of Year social: Wed 16th Dec, 7.30-9.30pm.

July 1st: Mental Health in Lockdown and the importance of Connection, with David Thorne

June 17th: Movie night! The Economics of Happiness, a 65 minute movie about re-localization, great counterpoint to the role of big business

June 3rd: Sustainability and business - what's happening? Who are the leaders? Can we achieve the change needed within the current paradigm? with Jacqui Machin. Blog is here.

May 27th: Intro to Permaculture with Muneezay Jaffery

May 13th: Tooting Healthy Streets - how do we open our streets to be healthier, more pedestrian and cycle friendly?

April 29th: Transition Stories and Song - a takeover by Rapid Transition Alliance.

April 22nd: Open Forum for Community Discussion

April 15th: Green and Open Space - Who needs it anyway?

March 18th: Community response to Coronavirus - a space for conversation

If you'd like to join, please request to join the Tooting Green Drinks Private Facebook Group.

Cooking up:

Extinction Rebellion - XR Wandsworth have offered to host, could be making and printing, could be talking, who knows!

Previously in 2020:

Thanks hugely to our speakers in 2017, 2018 and 2019: 

  Contact: Richard Couldrey at

  Tooting Green Drinks is hosted by Transition Town Tooting, with an invitation to all of our Community.