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Annapolis Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Annapolis organiser on: 2017-03-01


Tuesday, September 9
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Killarney House Pub
584 West Central Ave , Davidsonville

Theme: Solar September!
"I Heard about it at Green Drinks” came true on this rooftop!

Hope you'll Join us for our Next Green Drinks Annapolis!

For details, please visit



Green Trivia Night!
A FUNdraiser
for Annapolis Green

Wednesday, February 11
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Galway Bay Irish Pub

63 Maryland Avenue

Eat, Drink, Laugh.
Show off what you know about the environment.
Win Prizes!

Here’s how it will work. Get a team together: 2 to 6 members. Cost will be $10 per team, payable at the door.

Galway Bay will offer a special fund raising menu (click here) – three courses for $25. That menu will be available that evening from 5 to 10 p.m. with $10 from each meal participant generously donated by Galway Bay to Annapolis Green, along with the teams’ entry fees of $10!

You don't have to eat dinner to play, but we hope you will!

We’ll have three courses of trivia questions with three prizes for the winning team in each and then a final round among the three winning teams to determine the overall winner for a really big prize!

Very important: You MUST call in your dinner reservation in advance. Call 410-263-8333.

Galway Bay, a Maryland Green Travel Partner, is one of the Greenest restaurants in the area in its operations and the sourcing of its food.  

As they say, "Live Green Eat Irish!" Read more. 

- See more at:

Annapolis Green is the place to get local information on how to go Green and live an environmentally responsible life - easily -- in the Annapolis area.

Annapolis Green’s mission is to connect, educate and motivate Greater Annapolis to protect the environment and beautify our surroundings for a strong and thriving way of life. Annapolis Green connects the community by communicating an environmental message that is meaningful, positive and motivational, engaging residents, businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and visitors. Its goal is to make the Annapolis area as Green as possible—a place where sustainability is a way of life and a source of pride – by accelerating and contributing to the work of the legions of dedicated environmentalists and celebrating successes – in person, on the radio, online, and in everyday life.

Our group's goal is bringing together all of us who share a passion for the environment and concern for our Chesapeake Bay. We're casual, fun, unstructured... with drinks and great Green ideas!

Pass the word and let us know who else should be added to our roster!

Contact us at to be kept up to date or signup for our e-newsletter. Learn more about Annapolis Green and Green Drinks: