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Tacoma Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Tacoma organiser on: 2017-06-01

Hello Tacoma Green Drinkers!

This page is not updated frequently, but you can alway check out the most up-to-date information on our Facebook Page.  Check us out, and we hope to see you at an upcoming event!


Schedule and Hosts

Tacoma Green Drinks provides a social and networking opportunity for Tacoma-Pierce County residents interested in sustainability, conservation and environmental issues. We meet on the first Thursday of each month at a location selected by that month's host. Emai tacomagreendrinks@gmail.com to get our twice-a-month reminder emails.

If you would like to be a host, it's simple!  There is a long waiting list of future hosts, so get a hold of us now to schedule.  We are booked about a year in advance at any time with excellent speakers.

Hosts provide 1) a photo to use in advertisements, 2) a brief paragraph to use in advertising, and 3) arrange the reservation with the bar.  We need this information a full three months before your event, preferably sooner.  It costs NO MONEY to host, because we want community led groups to have this opportunity to speak to a lot of people.  Tacoma Green Drinks starts at 6pm every time, and the host usually speaks for 5 minutes around 6:30.  If you have special ideas - we want to hear them!  In the past, we've done bike rides, board games, raffles, and all sorts of creative ways to mix people up.  


2017 Hosts


2016 Hosts

2015 Hosts

2014 Hosts