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Builth Wells Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Builth Wells organiser on: 2021-03-17

Builth Wells Green Drinks

 Builth Wells Green Drinks


Social gathering for anyone who wants to be involved with, working on, or studying environmental issues. Informal & Inspiring.

Wildlife / Nature / Eco / Sustainability


Green Drinks Mid Wales
Social on Thursday 26th March 2021
A meeting place for environmental professionals in Mid Wales.
Green Drinks Mid Wales
Social on Thursday 


Social on Thursday (mailchi.mp)



Last month we welcomed Bob Dennison the Dragonfly recorder for Radnorshire
a talk with slides 7.15pm.

We are hoping to be joined by the new chairman of the Radnorshire Wildlife Trust Jenny Chryss who is going to give a short talk on the Trust next month.

Anyone is welcome to invite people from Mid Wales to give talks in the future.
Powys Action on the Climate Emergency (PACE)
We will discuss the meeting held on 11th Feb.


More info in Mailchimp Newsletter link above



Social on Thursday 12th November
A meeting place for Environmental professionals in Mid Wales.

We create the conversation, be part of it!

It will be lovely to see you all next week for a catch up and information sharing.
Please share and invite organisations and individuals.

Read our latest Newsletter;

Before Covid it was held on;

Third Wednesday of the Month 2019

The Greyhound Hotel

7 pm – 9 pm Free

'great for mingling and conversing'


Like the Green Drinks Facebook page and share it with interested parties/groups etc

Join the next event on Facebook and share and invite your friends


What are Green Drinks?

Green Drinks International
'We have a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. Come along and you'll be made welcome. It's a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organising network. Simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity.'

Contact 07791687573

E-mail BWGreenDrinks@gmail.com

Get involved Help us make this Webpage better!


This Month! September 2020

Virtual Social! Date TBC by Doodle poll.

See FB page for updates

What should the talking points be?
We create the conversation, be part of it!

ELMS Environmental Land Management 

Ancient Grains

New Planning for the UK - Building

Marine ReservesOne Planet development

Incredible Edible Llandrindod

Tree planting the FFridd


Timber Framing

Join us for a virtual pint one eve in September.
People can also join by calling from their telephone.





March 2020

Dear all

Cancelled Green Drinks 
But you are invited to like and chat on the FB page until further notice.

If anyone wants a chat or help (at a distance) over the coming months please don't hesitate to FB message me.

I will also be available and would love a zoom call (like Skype)
Michael Cunningham 9Trees Carbon offsetting CIC

I would like to leave you with a few links;





Michael Cunningham
Green Drinks Builth Wells Organiser
Director - http://www.9Trees.org

Wales Rep - A Focus On Nature



Previous months;

Dear Countrymen.

Is this the month you make it to Green Drinks Builth Wells?
Pint & talk
Funding from Welsh Government; come to green drinks to find out more!
5G / TLT / Climate Action / Local Bread / Eco build
Events & talks.

Spread the word, bring a friend!

Pint & talk 
Come and have a drink with a fully stocked bar and a warm space, be surrounded by your peers in this informal setting.You are welcome to come and bring a friend, add to the conversation and chat about your interests.
Between us we have a great deal of knowledge. We also share any news of the area, or even the spoutings of the government.
What do you think will happen in the UK in the coming years or months!
Come and join us, relax with likeminded people who work for and on the land!


Emma Guy Powys County Council;
'New capital funding from WG to deliver 'Environmental Growth On Your Doorstep'  If you do have a potential project please let me know as soon as possible.'
£5000 still available this year, and probably £7000 the year after that for engagement activities for constituted groups.
•      EOI opens 3 February•      EOI closes 13 March

•      Scoring results to RPW – 3 April

•      Invite to full application by 9 April

•      Full application closing date 3 July.
Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being (ENRaW) Scheme: guidance
Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being (ENRaW) Scheme: expression of interest criteria and application form

5G / TLT / Climate Action  / Local Bread / Eco Build!
What are your thoughts on 5G?
Transition Towns movement Llandrindod Wells are doing great work and promoting 'Community Supported Agriculture' and 'Incredible edible Llandrindod'
Climate Action Brecon had a great meeting last week. Next meeting Tue 25th.
A small group of us met to discuss growing ancient grains and finding the kit to combine, thrash, dehull & ground flour. 
Eco build - If anyone knows any Ecobuilders please do welcome them.

Event & talks; 
Ideas can be put forward to this group so that we can draw up a programme of talks / events / visits / practical days.
There is a whole world out there and so much on our doorstep, let us communicate and make the most of our journeys by sharing!


An award-winning monthly podcast sharing the voices of smaller-scale farmers in the UK and beyond.

Spread the word & bring a friend!
Share below;

Green Drinks Builth Wells; 
A meeting place for environmental professionals in Mid Wales, 
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month: 

Arrive anytime from 7pm and the social usually goes on until 9pm. We will be in the backroom at The Greyhound Hotel. People attend from many environmental organisations, farmers, individuals and people who seek more knowledge and understanding, it’s also a great place to hear about opportunities. See our website for details and join us on Facebook and say hello!
We provide a safe space for all to openly discuss any subject and ask for advice and feedback.  

See you at the Greyhound!

Michael Cunningham
Green Drinks Builth Wells Organiser
Director - www.9Trees.org  


To unsubscribe from this mailing list just reply UNSUBSCRIBE.
All links and views in this e-mail do not necessarily pertain to the individuals named herin, or the specific Builth Wells group nor Green Drinks international views. 
It is a safe space to discuss whatever you like and is not constituted or steered by anyone. 


Previous talks include;

17th July 2019 The Beaver and its re-introduction into Wales.

A talk by The Radnorshire Wildlife Trust


18th June 2019

Natural Beekeeping and Introduction


First meeting 15th May 2019

The Vincent Wildlife Trust gives an intro into the' Pine Marten Recovery Project' to kick us off on the 15th May.



The organiser for Builth Wells will post the next event on this page as soon as they have it ready.

If you want to get involved please e-mail us!

Find us on Facebook; search Green Drinks Builth Wells


Just a Quick link to Londons Green Drinks Youtube video!

Inspiration What can we do here in Builth Wells




Discussion points covered over the last few Months

We provide a safe space for all to openly discuss any subject & opinions and ask for advice and feedback of all members. 

by stating these subjects it does not mean we are for or against any of the issues.


Beavers, Bees, colony collapse, plants for winter, Hedgehogs, Badgers, Brecon beacons National park, Invasive species, botany, Welsh Wildlife Trust, Conservation farming, Bats, Ecology, Royal Horticultural society, Beekeepers Association, 

Welsh Rural Development Programme under the Sustainable Management Scheme (SMS) Powys Moorland Partnership, organic farming, Reintroductions, wolves, lynx, One planet development, CtrlShift, Biological information services, Estate management, Natural Mid Wales, Pine Marten Project, Rhayader by nature, 

The climate strikes / Botanical records of Wales / Events / Universities / data collection /  Llandrindod Pomarium /  Local veg growers / Allotments / Snares / SONAR

3 parishes SMS, Powys Moorland Partnership, Farmers Union of Wales, EMS vs CAP, woodland management, permaculture, Begwyns and Hay-on-Wye SMS, climate strikes and Gerald Miles; organic Grain for Wales.

Other interesting points of discussion have encompassed, uncertainty about the future, changing attitudes and collaboration, 'no more them and us, we all work in the environment', the National Development Framework Wales, mentoring young people into the environment sector and Penpont 300 Acres, action for conservation & re-wilding.

& much more!


Send up upcoming events or groups we should like to via the e-mail below.

Event List & Discussion points

October 2019
13th Oct: Guided Fungus Walk - Brecknock Local WT

17th Oct A focus on Nature-Wales - Youth Network

14th Oct: Ray Woods; Reserves Talk - Radnorshire WT

18th Oct: Artifishal Screening - Wye & Usk Foundation

18th & 19th Oct: Traditional Woodland Skills - FFF

23rd Oct: Climate change and us - Transition Llandrindod Wells

If you have other events that you think are relevant please let me know, ones on Climate change, forest schools, Permaculture? What would you like to see?

We all have a part to play in letting our members & enthusiasts and professionals know about events so that they are well attended and we can enhance our knowledge base.
If there is a page/group you go-to for all your info then let us know!
See links below for Hosts, RSVP.



Websites of interest in the area.

(currently being updated)



Upcoming talks;

The Red Grouse 

Re-wooding Wales - Coniferous vs Broadleaf

We welcome suggestions from members or other activities like Nature Quiz or Trips as a group.



If anyone has any Green events in Mid Wales we can add links and a short Bio here.

please e-mail us or come to the next event!


Organisations and people who have attended include;

The Vincent Wildlife Trust

Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (Brecknockshire old branch)

Powys Biological Information Service

Individual Ecologists 

Natural Mid Wales

Interested locals

Habitat managers

Estate workers

Powys Moorland Partnership

Timber frame builders

Carbon offsetters

Re-wildling enthusiasts

Permaculture practitioners

Organic Farmers

2 of the Next-generation!

palaeontologists, smallholders, forest school practitioners, tree planters and Zoologists.

Has your profession been involved?



We will become comprised of whoever attends, and hope to keep a high level of organisation and volunteer attendees so we may also educate or give opportunities to young people of the area. 

Find out what others do in the sector, learn something and Network so we may be the change we wish to see in the world. 


Previous Newsletters;


Dear conservationists, stewards of our land, environmentalists & informed enthusiasts. 

I can't wait to see you and hear your plans for 2020. Also, it will be interesting for us to recall our favourite parts of 2019 at this Monthly Mingle at the Greyhound Builth Wells Wednesday, Jan 15th.

Farmerama. What's it all about?
We have some great news to start 2020 from Emma Guy Re £2.4M Funding for our environment.
Firestarter Wales
Event & talks.
Spread the word, bring a friend!

Farmerama Radio is an award-winning monthly podcast sharing the voices of smaller-scale farmers in the UK and beyond. Farmerama is committed to positive ecological futures for the earth and its people, and we believe that the farmers of the world will determine this. 
If you are in need of a new or interesting podcast I would recommend listening to Farmerama, especially 'Cereal'   
Emma Guy Powys County Council;
'The LNP Cymru Project is now underway across Wales. The all Wales project has been awarded £2.4M funded through the Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being in Wales (ENRaW) Grant from Welsh Government. Powys County Council has been awarded £123,000 to help reinvigorate the Powys Biodiversity Partnership through recruitment of a dedicated LNP co-ordinator until March 2022. Their role will be to engage with communities, businesses and a broad range of cross-sector organisations in partnership with PCC and co-ordinate activity and maximise nature recovery across the Powys Local Nature Recovery Action Plan (PNRAP) area.'

'In the meantime, from Jan to Mar 2020 I'll be able to provide some support to the partnership in order to get the ball rolling. We have a small pot (c.£5,000) of project funding available to us for projects to be completed by the end of March at the latest. This is a short window for project completion but please do let me know as soon as possible if you have any quick wins that this funding can help with or if you know of community groups that can benefit. Any projects that will require equipment and will be completed before the end of the LNP Cymru project in 2021 may be able to purchase it with this funding.'
BIS also has funding available to support LNP work through the grant.
'New capital funding from WG to deliver 'Environmental Growth On Your Doorstep' has also just been confirmed this week for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. Funding will be delivered through LNP Cymru. As is often the case, there is a ridiculously tight turnaround and the deadline for proposals is 7th Feb. If you do have a potential project please let me know as soon as possible.'

Firestarter Wales 
Can we put on an event locally?
Celebrating creativity and innovation in Public Services


Event & talks; please send in suggestions.  
Ideas can be put forward to this group so that we can draw up a programme of talks / events / visits / practical days, or attending those already put on by organisations both within and outside of this group; for example carshares to Centre for Alternative Technology, social meetups, ID walks and conferences. There is a whole world out there and so much on our doorstep, let us communicate and make the most of our journeys by sharing!

Spread the word & bring a friend!
Share below;

Green Drinks Builth Wells; 
A meeting place for Environmental professionals in Mid Wales, 
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month: 

Arrive anytime from 7pm and the social usually goes on until 9pm. We will be in the backroom at The Greyhound Hotel. People attend from many environmental organisations, farmers, individuals and people who seek more knowledge and understanding, it’s also a great place to hear about opportunities. See our website for details and join us on Facebook and say hello!
We provide a safe space for all to openly discuss any subject and ask for advice and feedback.  

Hope everyone has had a lovely yuletide - see you at the Greyhound!