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Start Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Start organiser on: 2022-03-15

All Green Drinks follow the Green Drinks Code. Read it to see how Green Drinks works and then apply to set up in your town or city. More tips and mentors are available once you have started. We are currently setting up about five new cities a week, so jump in!

The Green Drinks Code

1.  Green Drinks are Open

2.  Green Drinks are Freeform

3.  Green Drinks are Regular

4.  Green Drinks are Simple to Organise

5.  Green Drinks are Self-replicating

6.  Green Drinks are Local

7.  Green Drinks are Agenda Free

8.  Green Drinks are Decentralised

9.  Green Drinks are Non Profit

10.  Green Drinks are Run Responsibly

11.  Green Drinks are Fun

12.  Start A Green Drinks in Your City

Green Drinks Code Version 2.3 December 23rd 2019


Sample invitation email:


WHAT:   Come to the world-famous *** Green Drinks ***
WHEN:   6.30 'til late, Tuesday 13th January 2009
RULE:   Second Tuesday of every month
WHERE:  DOWNSTAIRS  at our NEW VENUE The Glasshouse Stores, 55 Brewer Street, Soho.

HOW:    Walk, cycle, bus, tube: Picadilly Circus. Taxi OK  if more than 2 passengers ;)
WHO:    Anyone working on environmental issues or studying them
WHY:    Fun, contacts, alcohol (or not), info, gossip, inspiration, business and pleasure
NEW:    Just go up to someone and say "are you green?", and you'll be made welcome.
REMIND: To get on this email circulation list, send an email to: join [at] greendrinkslondon.co.uk

PRIVACY:This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders. We will not give your email address to anyone else
STATUS: Informal, self-organising network. Every month since 1989. Average attendance: 70
GLOBAL: Now active in 430 cities worldwide! Australia | Belgium | Belize | Botswana | Brazil | Canada | Chile | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hong Kong | India | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Malta | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Singapore | South Africa | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | UK | USA |

URL:    http://www.greendrinks.org
FORWARD: Please send this email on to others who might want to come!


The Small Print

Disclaimer 1: The info on this website is not all up to date. Sometimes organisers do not have their latest event on display on their page, so please also check their facebook or other pages. Sometimes a Green Drinks may have shut down yet is still showing 'the third wednesday of the month' or some such, so again please check by other means before travelling if there is any doubt.

Disclaimer 2: By attending or organising Green Drinks events, you agree to release greendrinks.org and its owners from any responsibility, liability or claim in law which is incurred as a result of the use of any of the material or information or services provided on this website.

Terms for Organisers: Please update your page regularly. If it gets to be 6 months since you last updated your page you come up on our radar. If we can't tell the date of your next Green Drinks then we have to assume you are no longer active and your page will be switched off. Get in touch if you want your page switched back on so you can update it. By having a page on greendrinks.org you agree to follow the Green Drinks Code.

Privacy and Data Protection: greendrinks.org does not hold any private information. The information held is only that which city organisers post on their pages, which is by definition public. Any personal information that organisers choose to make public by posting on their pages will not be shared with third parties or processed other than for being displayed for public view on greendrinks.org and for backup. Personal information will be erased five years after a page is switched off. Get in touch should you wish to exercise your rights under GDPR. Greendrinks.org does not use cookies.





Version 1.0 February 12th 2000

Original concept, based on organic principles

Version 2.0 April 10th 2002

Clarified county-level Green Drinks

Version 2.1 December 5th 2008

Added mailchimp, meetup and evite

Version 2.2 December 5th 2016

Added numbering

Version 2.3 December 23rd 2019

Added the Small Print section