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London Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the London organiser on: 2024-09-28

Join London Green Drinks 
Green Drinks London. Simon Nash from Green Oil holding sign
We meet 18:30 the Second Tuesday each month, The King's Room, The Kings Arms, 65 Newcomen
Street, London Bridge, London, SW 1YT,  Wool Pack Bar 98 Bermondsey Street, London Bridge, London, SE1 3UB
We're on Meetup.com

Address 2024:
The Horse Shoe Inn,
26 Melior Street,

Subscribe to the Green Drinks mailing list by emailing 


London Green Drinks are always held on the second Tuesday of the month, 1751 Distilery, London Bridge.

The dates for 2024 are:

- Tuesday, January 9th  2024, 18:30

- Tuesday, February 13th 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 18:30

 - Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 18:30

Christmas Meal at Honest Burger, under London Bridge
- Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 18:30

Come to if:

- You work in a green consultancy
- You work for a green charity
- You work for a green company
- You are just interested in environmental issues!

Evoryone is welcome.

Green Drinks is a great way to 'network' with people in green industries, learn something new and make friends. Or just for a night's free entertainment.

A wide variety of professionals of different ages, environmentalists, and people coming after work come each month.

The format is:

- Chat to people
- See a short talk from selected green speakers

We start at 6:30pm and provide an opportunity for green drinkers to meet, chat and network in an informal and relaxed manner. They are free to attend and there is no registration process – you can simply turn up. These London Green Drinks have been a regular event since 1989, meaning we’ve got a wide network of attendees with some great experience and stories.

Email to find out more, or to speak. 

A note from the organiser Simon Nash: 

"My company Greeen Oil UK Ltd makes the world's greenest range of Bicycle Maintenance Fluids from plants, I've been involved in environmental charities including Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace for a number of years, and passionatly want us to stop climate change, which harms the World's poorest people, and damages the natural world we all share.

Companies, charities and people are part of the sollution. That's why I enjoy running London Green Drinks!"

If you’d like to sign up for our Green Drinks reminders please email your name with 'Green Drinks' in the subject line to 

You can also stay in the loop by following us on Twitter and liking our Facebook Page. We'll keep you updated on what we're doing and provide information on all of our speakers.

  Facebook pageTwitter page for London Green Drinks

Subscribe to the Green Drinks mailing list. Max 2 emails a month, keep posted on our talks!

Subscribe to the Green Drinks mailing list by emailing us, and hopefully this works!:

Simply subscribe by emailing:


I look forward to meeting you at London Green Drinks!


Simon  Nash
Managing Director Green Oil UK Ltd
Green Drinks London Coordinator

Simon Nash holding a the London Green Drinks sign




London Green Drinks Video