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Kigali Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Kigali organiser on: 2019-02-24


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Next Event: 7-9PM, 26 February 2019 | Impact Hub Kigali - Kiyovu





Green Drinks Overview: Green Drinks events are very simple and unstructured where people come together to network, learn something, make green friends, find jobs, develop new ideas and enjoy themselves with other like-minded, eco-friendly professionals, activists or novices in their area. Everyone interested in sustainability or green stuff is encouraged to attend. This particularly includes anyone working or studying in the environmental field - private sector, NGOs, startups, government, researchers etc all welcome.

Venue: Impact Hub Kigali at their new location under The Office, in Kiyovu.

Directions: Located at the intersection of KN 41 St. and KN 54 St. in Kiyovu, Kigali, Rwanda. Click Here for GoogleMaps. If you’re arriving by mototaxi, ask the driver to take you to Chez John (“shay john”) Restaurant in Kiyovu; we’re across the street. We'll be on the rooftop if weather and renovations permit! Otherwise look for us in the Impact Hub space in the second floor. Look forward to seeing you! More info and directions here: http://theoffice.rw/contact/.