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Sofia Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Sofia organiser on: 2019-10-29

Where: Green Drinks Sofia is back in Gaba bar for the winder season of 2019 and 2020


When: Every last Tuesday of the month for October and November in 2019, from 18:30 onwards

29th October 2019 (start 19:00 onwards) - Topics - 1. Fur farms in Bulgaria and 2. Global Climate Strike on 29th November

26th November 2019 - last Green drinks event for the year (18:30 onwards) - Topics: 29th November Global Climate Strike

28 January 2020 - Resuming Green drinks in 2020 with the topic of Long Term Climate Strategy

25 February 2020

31 March 2020

28 April 2020

26 May 2020

Who is welcome: Informal chit-chat event after regular working hours aiming to get together all kind of people with interests in environmentalism - no matter in which field you work - NGO, business, academia, public adminisration, if you are still a student or just enthusiatic about. Join us for some good beer and networking in "Patches Blues Bar".

Look up for the table(s) with sign Green Drinks. Hint: Carry a sticker/badge with a picture indicating your environmental interest - e.g. a lighting for people interested in clean energy, a tree for people interested in biodiversity, a carrot for organic farming or EUR sign for public fincance - I assure you this will help the networking part and making new friends :)

The bar offers a stage also - the microphone is at our disposal for any important announcements - upcoming events, initiatives, start-ups - you name it;

Contact: Genady Kondarev at genady.kondarev [at] gmail.com