This listing was last updated by the Whanganui organiser on: 2025-03-03
Next Green Drinks:
11 March 2025
Our speaker for March will be Alistair Fraser who is establishing a new enterprise, Digital Inclusion Whanganui. Initially, his goal is to undertake a comprehensive needs analysis of the digital inclusion ‘landscape’ in Whanganui. This will identify key barriers and opportunities. It will guide the creation of actionable strategies to reduce digital inequities, enabling development of tailored solutions that empower the community. Alistair plans to have the needs analysis completed by Techweek 2025, 19-25 May.
Alistair will talk about his progress undertaking the needs analysis and how it will assist to identify gaps and demand for new projects and initiatives to improve digital access and skills for individuals and social service support organisations. He is also keen to obtain feedback from others about their views and perspectives on digital inclusion and equity issues.
Hosted by Kevin
The Barracks Sports Bar, 170 Street Hill Street, from 5:30pm
Come along to meet & mix with other environmentally/sustainably-minded individuals, business people and organisations in Whanganui.
Any queries to
Contact us if you would like to receive email reminders about future Green Drinks.
Whanganui Green Drinks is a branch of Green Drinks International, an apolitical social networking event for anyone interested in sustainability & all things green.
Whanganui Green Drinks are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month, 5:30pm:
8 April 2025
13 May 2025
10 June 2025
8July 2025
12 August 2025
9 September 2025
14 October 2025
11 November 2025
9 December 2025
February 2025
There was no guest speaker at the Green Drinks this month, instead we held a reconnection and reset session, planning speakers for 2025
December 2024
We were very fortunate to welcome back Anthonie Tonnon to attend the session and provide an update on the current status of Whanganui Public Transport. Those present decided it would be a good idea to establish a Public Transport advocacy group. It is to be called I love Public Transport - Whanganui and interested parties can join the forum by signing up for emails at
November 2024
This month we had a joint update by Jess Feist from the Whanganui Resource Recovery Centre and Hadi Gurton from Sustainable Whanganui about the changes to the operations of their respective organisations following the rollout of the kerbside recycling service and the changes to their premises. They spoke about the recent changes to their operating models and also their future improvements/service enhancements.
October 2024
This month’s speaker was Kathryn Stewart, Three Waters Transition Manager at Whanganui District Council. She discussed the future options for water services delivery for Whanganui in response to recent legislation changes.
September 2024
Whanganui District Council’s Community Climate Action Fund has supported 16 different sustainability projects over the last two years. Caroline, council’s climate change advisor, discussed what the fund has achieved in this time, how it works, and what its next steps are.
August 2024
Rosi Metz, Ecologist/Researcher spoke about her field research in ecological restoration and invasive mammalian predator behaviour and control. She also focussed on Wildsight Restoration, a business that Rosi established last year in Whanganui and the services and opportunities it offers to Whanganui/Manawatu conservation and landscapes.
July 2024
Whanganui Mayor, Andrew Tripe spoke about the the environmental focus of Councils 4 wellbeing’s and what Council is doing in this space plus the Council's new focus on renewable energy.
June 2024
Stuart Hylton spoke about the trials and tribulations of the current kerbside recycling service being rolled out in Whanganui, key aspects of the service, anticipated results and opportunities for additional kerbside services in the future.
May 2024
Jo Buckingham, Community Manager for the Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa spoke about the different ways that technology can be positively used towards sustainability and waste reduction, as well as give an overview of a study showing fibre as the greenest option for connectivity.
April 2024
The Whanganui Kai Hub provided an update on the amazing progress made by working collaboratively with others in the community, and being absolutely clear and single minded about the opportunity to make food the basis of strengthening wellbeing and cohesiveness in the community.
March 2024
Anthonie shared slides and answered questions on Whanganui's public transport history, recent developments in similar cities, and the upcoming Horizon's Long Term Plan consultation - and why he believes it is Whanganui's best opportunity for public transport since 1991.
February 2024
This months speaker was Jared Wood from Bio Flow Plumbing. Jared shared some little-known secrets to reduce our environmental impact. He spoke about what you can do around your property, whether you live on or off-grid, from the small and to the large, the DIY projects and the ones for the pro's, as well as how to choose the right contractor if you need one.
December 2023
This month we had a talk by a Kai Hub representative/s about their activities.
November 2023
This month we heard from Sustainable Whanganui Trust - where are we, where are we going and what are we going to do when we get there.
October 2023
Earlier this year, Horizons Regional Council released their Manawatu-Whanganui Climate Change Action Plan. This plan provides guidance for the region to build on work underway, and it makes recommendations to councils and communities on ways that they can collaborate on issues that they can’t solve on their own. It focuses on how central government, local authorities, tangata whenua, businesses, communities and individuals can work together to get the best results for the region and provides a foundation to work together to respond to climate change and ensure that the region remains a great place to live for future generations.
The plan was prepared by Horizons Climate Action Joint Committee whose membership is the regional chair and seven mayors from across the region alongside seven tangata whenua members. Rachel Keedwell - chair of Horizons and co-chair of the joint committee - gave a presentation about the action plan and talked about what is happening in the region to ensure the actions in the plan are turned into action on the ground.
September 2023
This months speaker was Cameron Ryan, coordinator at The Learning Environment. The Learning Environment is a unique and multidisciplinary educational charity demonstrating a model for global impact, on the banks of The Whanganui River. With 178 acres of lush farm-forest, this diverse ecological playground features wetlands, regenerating forests, springs, and permaculture food systems. Over the past three years, the team has been regenerating the land's waterways and soil with great care, engaging local communities through working with hapù, iwi, marae, schools, education providers, local and regional councils, community organisations, and international programmes, building a strong network to support resilience through collaboration locally, nationally, and internationally.
August 2023
Whanganui's Brad Kirkland gave an overview of GovHack in general and this year's competition and which is being held over the weekend of 18 - 20 August. Whanganui is one of the Aotearoa New Zealand venues and has had a long association with the event. This year there are three key themes for the competition, strategic areas where both government and organisations manage their Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) goals.
July 2023
Helen King, Communications and Events Lead for Environment Network Manawatu was our guest speaker this month. ENM is the environment hub for the Manawatu Region with the key purpose of facilitating and enabling communication, cooperation, and increasing collective action amongst its 66 member groups and the wider community.
As part of her role, Helen helps coordinate Palmerston North Repair Café, established in mid-2022.The café works in cooperation with Supergrans Manawat? and Menzshed, with the overall goal of improving accessibility to and understanding of repair, repurpose and recycling opportunities within the city as a means of reducing waste and engendering local resilience, connection, and cohesion.
June 2023
Gareth Cartwright from the Waikato based Community Energy Trust gave a talk about their initiatives and Paul Scouller from Wise Trust in Taranaki who now manage the Healthy Homes Initiative in Whanganui.
May 2023
Paige Mey from the Manawatu District Council's Kawakawa Nursery talked about their journey.
April 2023
Whanganui District Council Streets for People project team spoke about their St Hill Street and Guyton Street improvement projects that are currently in the design phase.
March 2023
Thrive Whanganui spoke about why supporting and investing in social enterprise could be the quickest way to achieve our collective social, environmental and sustainability goals, then facilitated a conversation about why a sustainable future requires good business practice and not charity.
February 2023
Update given on 'Whanganui's new frequent bus route' by Anthonie Tonnon - Whanganui District Council's representative to the Horizons Passenger Transport Committee.
December 2022
Duncan Sinclair of Black Pine Architects gave a talk about B Corp certification and their B Corp certification journey.
November 2022
Joe Thompson from Green Bikes gave a very informative update on the new initiatives Green Bikes will be undertaking.
October 2022
The Whanganui District Council’s climate change adviser, Caroline Arrowsmith, gave a very informative talk about her role and the WDC Community Climate Action Fund that was currently open for climate action projects.
September 2022
Whanganui District's mayoral candidates answered questions on a range of topics.
August 2022
Rebecca Dobbin gave an update on the Coastal Action Plan which focuses on the coastal ecological processes at Kai iwi and Castlecliff.
July 2022
Whanganui's Marion Sanson, from Save our Springs gave an update on the campaign to save Te Waikoropupu Springs.
June 2022
Whanganui birder Paul Gibson shared stories behind his books and the challenges faced in attempting to photograph all New Zealand’s birds, from the far north to the subantarctic. Paul also shared his new book, Feats Beyond Amazing,the story of a special godwit tagged AJD, and the 13 years Paul has tracked this incredible bird on his migrations to and from the Arctic.
May 2022
Graham Pearson of Castlecliff Coast Care provided a visual update on the North Mole reconstruction being organised by Te Mata P?au, the community's vision for the North Mole area and Castlecliff’s Coast Care’s work during 2021/22.
April 2022
No meeting this month.
March 2022
Picnic and walk in James McGregor Memorial Park. Arboreta, forest bathing and specimen trees.
February 2022
An informal session with Hadi Gurton about composting, worm farming and biochar.
January 2022
A great brainstorming session to start the year!
December 2021
We visited Phillip and Ari's amazing strawbale/recycled bottle home and native wetland reserve.
November 2021
Forestry, buildings and slowing climate change
September 2021
Council engaged with participants over its proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2021.
August 2021
Julie and Leo, coordinators at the Learning Environment were our speakers this month. The Learning Environment is reimagining a resilient, unified, and thriving future for Aotearoa New Zealand.
July 2021
Discussions about PLASTIC FREE JULY and living life with less plastic!
June 2021
Joe Thompson and Julie Crocker provided an update on the Whanganui Kai Hub, both with previous experience in Kai Rescue in various cities around the world and in Aotearoa, they have been heading up a Feasibility Study funded by the Council, preparing the groundwork needed to launch a Kai Rescue Project.
May 2021
Anthonie Tonnon spoke about his work advocating for new public transport options for Whanganui, and emphasising the city's impressive and sometimes surprising history in this area.
April 2021
Dale Cobb, Manager at the Whanganui Resource Recovery Centre spoke about the current and shifting markets for recyclables, what's most problematic, and some future possibilities for waste streams and the WRRC site.
March 2021
Waste Minimisation Levy-funded initiatives in Whanganui - Stuart Hylton, WDC's waste management/minimisation adviser, spoke about some past, present and future projects in our community.
February 2021
Living on a Dynamic Coast - Ko Te Kawa o Tangaroa, he kawa ora is the theme of this year's Coastal Restoration Trust of NZ conference, held in Whanganui 10-12 March. Speakers Graham Pearson (Castlecliff Coast Care) and Lyneke Onderwater (CRT administrator) introduced the Trust and their resources and discussed what to expect during the conference, including the free pre-conference workshop which is on 9 March.
December 2020 Green Drinks
Duncan Sinclair from Black Pine Architects is our Green Drinks speaker on Tuesday 8 December. Duncan will be talking about alternative, creative housing options and solutions for Whanganui
November 2020 Green Drinks
Joe Thompson shared some of his experiences with the SHRUB Coop ( in Edinburgh, and a bit about food rescue projects/possibilities here in Whanganui.
October 2020 Green Drinks
A discussion on how Whanganui's post-Covid response could include barter and exchange to build greater resilience for our community.
September 2020 Green Drinks
Horizons regional councillor Nicola Patrick talked about progress being made in environmental management locally thanks to the Jobs for Nature package, particularly around freshwater, as well as the recent steps towards climate action.
August 2020 Green Drinks
An information session on the cannabis legalisation and control referendum. Margi Keys presented information from a variety of sources and facilitated discussion.
July 2020 Green Drinks
'Collapse, Dystopia, Extinction’ by Mark Brimblecombe
A professional photographer, with a PhD in philosophical theology (University of Auckland 2009), Marks talk covered the current biosphere collapse and extinction event which will culminate in the annihilation of most species, if not all, on this planet in the next 20-70 years. The presentation focussed on his personal response, drawing on the Taoist (non-religious) perspective, and the viewpoint of others (e.g. George Tsakralides, Guy McPherson). The message is that humanity may be on a downwards spiral but there is a positive and meaningful response to this.
JUNE 2020 Green Drinks
Peter Watson talked to us about Permaculture in Palestine.
Peter spent 5 weeks in October/ November last year as a volunteer WWOOFer on a small permaculture farm near the village of Bel'in, in the occupied West Bank of Palestine. This group had some success in resisting confiscation of their land for the separation wall. The farm operates along CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) principles, both aspects were covered in this interesting talk.
March Green Drinks
Healing the Earth and Us by Scaling Up Regenerative Agriculture
A family of innovative solutions that may be described as regenerative agriculture or agroecology is emerging to solve the key problems of the ruination of the Earth, toxic food and zombification of rural localities. This talk looks at these vital innovations and a vision to distribute these regenerative wellness solutions everywhere.
Shane Middlemiss is a long-time digital strategy consultant in government and visionary whole systems thinker who also gets his fingers dirty in nutrient-dense gardening and biochar. He is currently exploring digital platforms to support the growing of local, organic and nutrient-dense food to everyone.
February Green Drinks
February 2020's Green Drinks veered off on a slightly different track! We were fortunate to have the screening of an interesting movie paid for by the Whanganui District Council’s Welcoming Communities programme as part of Go By Bike month -
"Why We Cycle"
To the Dutch, cycling is as normal as breathing. We don’t think about it, we just do it. Perhaps the fact that we don’t think about it, is the key to the bicycle’s success in this country. But because we do not give cycling a second thought, we don’t really know what the deeper needs of cyclists are. In the documentary ‘Why we cycle’ we take a ride with ordinary cyclists and specialists from a variety of disciplines. These conversations uncover some obvious, but even more hidden effects of cycling on people, on societies, and on the organization of cities.
January Green Drinks
Forager Margi Keys shared her enthusiasm for some nutritious edible weeds in her presentation.
If you know which weeds can be eaten, just think how much money you could save by allowing them to flourish in your own back yard where you know herbicides have not been sprayed.
December Green Drinks
Our speaker was Richard Thompson, owner and manager of MacBlack Timber Ltd.
He talked to us about how MacBlack is a vertically integrated business that grows, mills, dries and sells alternative timber species. It also has an expanding manufacturing business making products from its timber. Richard described how he and his wife Laurel Stowell took a leap of faith in planting species other than pine, and how that lead to the eventual establishment of MacBlack 28 years later. He described the nature of permanent production forestry where harvests are tied to a sustained yield. It was a warts and all talk about this kind of land-use and its returns, plus the challenges of trying to run a green timber business
Richard is a consultant facilitator and has spent over 25 years helping people and groups resolve issues, mostly environmental. He chairs the Manawatu River Leaders’ Forum, was formerly chairman of the group that developed the Mackenzie Agreement, chairman of the NZ Landcare Trust, chair of the Whanganui Community Foundation and president of Ecologic Foundation.
October Green Drinks
Uur speaker for the October Green Drinks was Stuart Hylton, waste minimisation adviser to Whanganui District Council. Stuart talked about how the Waste Minimisation Fund: some of the initiatives funded so far in our community, some in the pipeline and how our community can contribute ideas for future endeavours to reduce waste to landfill. Robin Williamson followed with a brief presentation of the new ReSource Whanganui website, a project implemented with Waste Minimisation funding.
September Green Drinks
We welcomed to Green Drinks - Charlotte Almond, General Manager: Strategy and Kirsty Milham, Policy Adviser: Research and Engagement (both from Whanganui District Council). A brief presentation opened a community engagement session, facilitated by Charlotte and recorded by Kirsty, seeking ideas from the Green Drinks community on how Whanganui can become a resilient district in the face of climate change.
August Green Drinks
Melany Davy - Easy Earth
Melany told us all about this new food composting service.
“”A new Whanganui business aims to keep 200 to 300 tonnes of food waste out of landfill every year - and make people feel good as well.””
Link to the website -
July Green Drinks
Graham took us on a pictorial trip through the extensive Castlecliff coastal dunes. The fore dunes are composed mainly of lovely spinifex meadows, a native sand binding plant which stabilises the forming dunes. The mid-dunes are dominated by marram grass, a non native planted many years ago to stabilise the dunes. Unfortunately the dunes under the marram easily collapse, especial if miss treated by humans, motor bikes and horses. Consequently many areas of the mid dunes consist of large blow outs, such as that currently spreading across Morgan Street.
Many areas of the rear dunes are dominated by Australian wattle, and weeds like boxthorn, Madeira vine and climbing dock.
Graham explained the work of the local Coast Care group. Since recording commenced in 2009 volunteers have contributed almost 11,000 hours, clearing weeds and establishing native plants, mainly on the rear dunes.
The Coast Care team are holding two Community Planting days during this winter: Saturday 13 July, 1 to 3 pm with afternoon tea to follow and Sunday 25 August 10.30 to 12.30 followed by lunch. These are your chance to contribute to a better environment close to the popular Castlecliff beach. Note them in your diary NOW !
June Green Drinks
Ron Fisher -
Enviroschools – A student environmental action programme
Local Enviroschool facilitator Ron Fisher has been working with Whanganui schools for the last four years, supporting teachers and students with their sustainability education. Ron explained what makes an Enviroschool, what kinds of things they do and he will illustrate why this is such an important model of education both now and for our future. A very interesting talk thanks a lot Ron !
May Green Drinks
Josh Chandulal-Mackay is the current councillor appointed to the Youth Committee and a former youth councillor, having been a member of the Committee between ages 12-18 from 2007-2013.
He talked to us about the current Youth Committee activities and events. Thanks so much Josh for an
interesting talk and lively discussion.
April Green Drinks
Sustainable Whanganui Trusts Fruit Trees in School project could become Fruit Trees in the Community next year.
Lyn gave us some background info on this project which has been here since 2008,
how & why it has developed, it successes & difficulties, its helpers & supporters,
the possibility of change & how you can all help
March Green Drinks
'Scything' a talk from Glenn Davy
Ever considered mowing using a scythe, or just sick of noisy smelly and unreliable petrol mowers?
Or looking for a gentle (but useful!) form of exercise? Gllenn gave us a very informative and funny talk about what you can and
can’t do with these beautiful tools.
February Green Drinks
'On your bike'.
Lyneke is co-ordinator for the Whanganui Bicycle Users Group (WBUG).
February has traditionally been Bike Wise Month and she told us about the events planned and have flyers available.
January 2019 Drinks - Happy New Year
5:30pm Tuesday, 8th January 2019
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Great to see some new faces at this one.
-- 2018 --
December Green Drinks - Xmas Soapbox Edition
Kia ora, everyone!
I will be asking for maybe 10 soapbox volunteers to come up to the microphone for TWO minutes to tell us what you are passionate about in the greener scheme of things. You can bring some notes if you like. There will be a timer and a strict 2 minute limit!
Looking forward to seeing everyone, and please bring a friend along if you can !
Green Drinks - new team member sought.
As I am currently the only admin for Green Drinks we will not be having any further speakers until I can find a volunteer to help me. One of the main requirements of this unpaid position is the technical set up of getting laptops etc. connected to the large screen on the wall and working OK. It would also be great to have some help with the mailout and other work but this is not urgent. If you feel really sorry for me and can do the tasks described please make sure to see me at the Xmas Green Drinks. Thanks all. Regards, Lyndsay
November Green Drinks - Nutrient Dense Gardening
"If we are what we eat, then we are in decline. Our food is less healthy, more toxic and has fewer nutrients than anytime since modern agriculture arrived. We need a food revolution that is nature-aligned, regenerative, local, organic and nutrient-dense. You can grow it yourself or support new grower and consumer networks that will bring it to your plate."
October Green Drinks - Coastal Restoration, Climate Change and other Seaside Issues
Lyneke Onderwater has been working for the Coastal Restoration Trust for 4 years and has a good idea of what the Trust is about. She talked a little about what the Trust stands for, what they do and what their solutions are for some of the effects of climate change and other coastal problems. She also showed some of the useful websites and applications that are freely available.
September Green Drinks - New Golden Era of Tomatoes
Our guest speaker for September was Mark Christiensen of Heritage Food Crops. Mark told us about the healthy properties of those lovely orange tomatoes pictured below. A fascinating and informative talk it was too.
"We believe that there is a wonderful opportunity to improve human health by replacing red tomatoes with these orange tomatoes. Tomato is the primary source of lycopene for human consumption. We know that it is a powerful biological antioxidant and scientific studies have shown that high lycopene intake is associated with decreased risk of heart disease and cancer, especially prostate cancer."
August Green Drinks - Stone Soup
What a fantastic month it's been! So many great events celebrating Plastic Free July. How many did you get to? And how do you follow a month like that? It just keeps getting better each year.
One thing that hasn't got a lot better yet is the weather. I'm bored with winter - is it spring yet? Come along to this month's Green Drinks and chat away the darkness with good company.
Our guest speaker for August was Kathleen Parnell from Stone Soup and Ka Pai Kai, two initiatives that are helping our community grow stronger and come together to provide healthy food at great prices.
Plastic Free July!
Half way through the dark! Shortest day came and went, and we were on the upswing to longer days and sunshine.
Our guest speakers this month were from Plastic Free Whanganui and talked about forming their group and pushing local businesses and council to cut back on their plastic use. These are the people responsible for showing us that we use 2000 single use bags from our supermarkets in Whanganui in just one hour. They've also pioneered making reusable fabric bags to replace this pesky perpetual packaging.
Life without plastic - now THAT'S fantastic!
Wrap up warm, bring a friend and we'll see you at Mint!
June Green Drinks
Our guest speakers this month were Murray Jones and Melinda Hatherly of TreeLife Orchards in Whanganui. They shared their story of growing Monty's Surprise Apples and developing new uses for this versatile (I was going to say 'little' but have you seen them?!) fruit, including their acclaimed mulled apple juice, 'Nicely Spicey'. There were tastings of the Mulled Apple Juice
Perfect for the cold!
Some of the Monty's Surprise apples can weigh one kilo each so you might want to take the advice of Glenn Miller and avoid sitting around under those trees!
May Green Drinks:
Kia ora, everyone,
April Green Drinks: Meet the new team
Seasonal change came to Whanganui - and also to Green Drinks... After 4 years - and 52 Green Drinks so far - Duncan and myself (Helen Marie) are both stepping aside from the co-hosting roles and allowing some new growth to take over - namely Lyndsay and Kevin!
Both Lyndsay and Kevin are relatively new to Whanganui Green Drinks, so do come along tonight Tuesday 10th, from 5:30pm to say hello to them and adios to us! You will still see us there in future - just not taking responsibility... or sending midnight emails the night before. (Hallelujah! :) )
I exit your inbox to two tunes this month: one a hipster hymnal for the seasonal shift, the other the aptly titled One More Night, from a new fave... enjoy. :)
And, last but not least - our delightful hosts at Mint Cafe & Bar have been trialling some spectacularly vibrant, and healthy, alternatives to coffee - one of which IS a green drink! We are impressed... Check them out below: Tumeric, Beet and Matcha Lattes... If you're off the booze or caffeine - or just plain curious! - this is a great alternative to try.
Brave the elements and we'll see you at Green Drinks #53 for the beginning of a new chapter... Ka kite!
March Green Drinks: After a busy few weeks in Whanganui we spent March Green Drinks just chillin' and being the calm in the storm this time, whilst absorbing the ambience of a recently redecorated Mint Cafe & Bar... Green Drinks co-host Helen Marie announced her planned hiatus from Green Drinks organising and two splendid newbies have stepped up to take on the role, so stay tuned for news on what's next...!
February Green Drinks - up at Ari's again!: For the second year running February Green Drinks was hosted up at Putiki Native Reserve (Riri a te hori 2), thanks to Moari Bailey and her team. A BYO potluck dinner & drinks helped to celebrate the start of a consented alter-native Natural Earth whare project, after an overview of progress on restoration progress/transformation/papakainga projects from Ari and Tim Oldham. Tim is a natural earth builder who has relocated from Warkworth to lead the build, explained the site and earth whare design by Graeme North and drawn/built by Tim.
January Speaker: We were joined once again by part-time adventurer (and full-time Grammar Vigilante) Margi Keys after her recent escapades in Pureora Forest Park, Waikato. Pureora Forest Park emerged out of protests that culminated in a moratorium on the logging of native forests in 1978. Kokako abound in the north; toutouwai and korimako proliferate everywhere. This gem in the middle of Te Ika a Maui has been a playground for trampers and hunters for decades and, since 2013, has been a favourite for cyclists.
Margi Keys was there in November 2017 and will be returning in April to cycle the Timber Trail (get in touch if you're keen to join her). For more about Pureora and to watch the full 30 minute documentary 'On the Shoulders of Giants' see here.
December Green Drinks: Sixty Second Soapbox - Round 2! We closed out our fourth year of Green Drinks with another round of the popular Sixty Second Soapbox. This is where any & all Green Drinkers can get on their (eco-friendly & biodegradable) soapbox about anything that drives or inspires them, to vent spleen or wax lyrical - for 60 seconds only!
November Green Drinks: Local star & woman of many hats, Nicola Patrick reported back from the Social Enterprise World Forum ( which was held in Christchurch in late September.
Nicola also updated us on exciting new social enterprise initiatives happening locally - including THRIVE - a Social Enterprise Expo scheduled for February 21-22nd, 2018 at the Whanganui War Memorial Centre...
If you are interested in being involved with THRIVE, whether supporting, participating or just want to stay in the loop, contact Nicola / 027 871 6459 or Andre Taylor at Ng? Tai o te Awa / 027 555 6222.
Thanks also to Ramari & Daryn Te Uamairangi for sharing your feedback & enthusiasm from the SEWF 2017!
October Green Drinks: Our guest was Nalini Singh - a poet, dancer, facilitator and ecologist from Whanganui. After having been an Amazonian jungle warrior for the last two years, Nalini is back in NZ growing vegetables, crowdfunding to study a Masters at Gaia University (which she describes as "a revolution disguised as a university"), and getting young people pumped on environmental issues through art.
Some of Nalini's key passions she spoke about are: The importance of storytelling for change; Heart-based action; Systems thinking (/permaculture) and Theory U; The role of global citizenship education and young people in bringing forth a 'thriving, just and sustainable world'.
You can read more about Nalini and her many achievements in this recent Whanganui Chronicle column here and on Nalini's Gaia blog here.
September - New Venue Warming! Thanks to everyone who came along for our first Green Drinks at Mint Cafe & Bar - more great food & company!
August Speaker: Aaron Tasker shared ?the story of ?creating ??his ?"u?rban farm" ?which lead to ?him tutoring ?the course: NZ Certificate in Land Based Sustainability Practices? (Level 3). The course runs through to December for people keen to learn about putting sustainability into practice - and making change happen at a grassroots level...
July Speaker: Kellee Bartlett of Positive Money NZ. Money - it?'s no?t an easy topic ?for most, but July's guest speaker ?Kellee Bartlett, (Ngati Hinearo, Ngati Tuera, Ngati Tumango), started the conversations with Green Drinkers about how we can ?transition from a ?debt-based economy to a full reserve in which our money supply is issued ?debt-free by the Government. ?
June Green Drinks saw members of Plastic Bag Free Whanganui (PBFW) share updates of the Plastic Bag Free campaigns from around the world, and their plans for Plastic Free July. Nice work PBFW!
For May Green Drinks, we took an Autumn breather from speakers and instead ate, drank, and solved a few of the world's problems in a collective conversation - and took some time to contemplate the changing seasons and the Autumn leaves...
April Special Event: "Flood Risk in a Climate Changed World: What's next for Whanganui?"
Following the previous week's reminder about Whanganui's risk of flooding, and with the awareness of climate change exacerbating this risk, this was an opportune time to start a conversation within the local green community about what's next for Whanganui in terms of the threats and solutions.
We held a lively informal panel discussion with Cr Jenny Duncan (WDC), Cr Nicola Patrick (Horizons Regional Council), and Ramon Strong (Horizons Group Manager for river management) to share ideas & thoughts about Whanganui's future in a climate changed world.
Thanks so much to everyone who participated - this was an excellent, informative and inspiring session - hopefully the first of many.
March Green Drinks: Our guest speaker for March was Marianne Archibald, the new CEO of the Whanganui Chamber of Commerce. Marianne was the driving force behind many of Whanganui District Council's digital initiatives and she also has a background in Environmental Law. Marianne spoke about how intelligent communities are environmentally sustainable communities and asked us the question: What sort of community do we want to create?
February Green Drinks: We had a special treat for our February Green Drinks... We went bush! Or rather, wetland, with our guest speaker Ari Bailey. Ari hosted us for a BBQ & tour of the Putiki Native Reserve, Riri A Te Hori 2 - a remarkable local wetland restoration project she has made happen, with hre brother Judd. Ari gave us a brief overview of restoration/transformation/papakainga projects and we took a guided tour down to the wetland then came up for a fantastic BBQ & potluck kai.
See the Sustainable Whanganui facebook page for pics from this Green Drinks (thanks John Milnes for the snaps). You can read more about the project in this article from the Chronicle back in 2014, and find more details & pics here to see the ongoing transformation from farmland back to wetland...
This Green Drinks was so much fun we decided to make it a yearly event! So if you missed out, never fear - we'll see you there next year. Follow the Sustainable Whanganui Facebook page for news of upcoming working bees at Riri A Te Hori 2.
January Green Drinks: We paid tribute to a much loved and respected member of our community, and fellow Green Drinker, Dr Chris Cresswell. Chris was the archetypal healer, whether that be through surgery, reiki, or simply a kind word or gesture. Determined to make the world a better place - and pronto! - he would turn the proverbial lemons of this world into lemonade. Chris inspired and supported others to do the same and his legacy will live on through the actions we continue to make in his absence.
So, we invited our Green Drinkers to celebrate Chris' contribution to the environmental movement by sharing some inspiration or something we learned from him, and one action we will commit to this year within the green sphere to keep Chris' vision alive through 2017, and beyond... It was a special celebration for an extra special man.
-- 2016 --
December Green Drinks: Our 3rd birthday! We celebrated 3 years of Green Drinks in Whanganui and said a big "adios" to 2016...
November Green Drinks: Intrepid explorer Margi Keys was our November guest speaker. In Autumn 2016, Margi embarked on a Heritage Expeditions voyage to the Kermadecs, New Zealand’s northernmost territory. The aims of the trip were fourfold: to find out about the proposed ocean sanctuary, learn about the history of Raoul, see the abundant bird life along the way and to snorkel with Galapagos sharks. Margi’s candid presentation at Green Drinks included some of the action on and off the Spirit of Enderby, as well as photos taken ashore on Raoul Island/Rangitahua.
October Green Drinks: Our thought-provoking October guest was Scott Lee who runs the 'Love and Money' workshops here in Whanganui, which aim to get people out of debt and having better money conversations in their relationships. You may have read one of Scott's columns in the Chronicle, like this one here - you can find out more about the Love and Money workshops, and get some great tips, on the facebook page:
September Green Drinks: Nicola Patrick discussed the Social Enterprise business model and what it could mean for Whanganui. Find out more about Social Enterprise at the Akina Foundation website.
August Green Drinks: There was a huge turn out for August Green Drinks with three guest speakers lined up. First up, Phillip Holden, & friends, from the Matai Street Community Garden and Live For the Land updated us on their recent projects and goals - including a fundraiser to connect water supply for the gardens (click here to support).
We were then joined by Agriculture Lecturer Jake Schultz who introduced his upcoming Ucol programmes on Basic Beekeeping and Urban Horticulture...
Last but not least, Margi Keys & Frances Taylor presented their Den of Dragons entry 'Spring into Whanganui' - a proposed new garden tour event which made the finals of the competition, missed out on the top prize, but is now set to go ahead with community support!
July: Mayor Annette Main - the outgoing Mayor reflected on her two terms at the helm of the good ship Whanganui, giving us a personal, frank and unmediated account of her journey to becoming Mayor - and received a well-deserved standing ovation from Green Drinkers in turn. Nga mihi nui Annette!
June: In June we welcomed Marama Davidson to Whanganui where she inspired and entertained a packed house. Marama, the newest Green MP in the house, hails from Manurewa and is the Green Party spokesperson on M?ori Affairs, Human Rights, Social Housing and Pacific Peoples. Marama has a proud history of social justice & activism at a grassroots level as well as ten years work with the Human Rights Commission. As well as being mother to six, Marama blogs and stays active on social media - she is well known and loved for #keepingitreal in the midst of a hectic political life. If you want to get informed, and have a good belly laugh, you can find her on facebook and twitter... Kia ora & nga mihi to EA Jack McDonald (also the Greens Te Tai Hauauru candidate) for your good work bringing Marama here!
May: In what was possibly our biggest Green Drinks yet with around 50 attendees, guest speaker Duncan Sinclair of Black Pine Architects report back from the 2016 International Straw Building Conference held in Methven in March. Duncan was followed by Hadi Gurton & Melinda Hatherly from the Whanganui Hemp Collective who discussed their recent harvesting experiences, the potential for hemp as an industry crop for our region, and its application as a natural building material among other uses. Watch this space!
April: Thanks to Tanea Tangaroa who is leading the Te Ripo Kokohuia wetland regeneration for giving an inspiring and informative introduction to the project. Working bees at the wetland will be held monthly - the most recent was featured in an article in the Whanganui Chronicle - see the Te Ripo Kokohuia facebook page for updates and opportunities to participate in the future.
March: In conjunction with La Fiesta and to celebrate International Women's Day, we welcomed guest speaker Rachel Stewart back to her hometown of Whanganui - "a little city with soul"... Possibly the most outspoken woman in the NZ print media landscape, Rachel Stewart has been a columnist for the Taranaki Daily News, Manawatu Standard, and for Fish & Game, writing in defense of the environment from the dark heart of NZ's dual-polluting oil/gas & dairy industries, New Plymouth. Recent commentaries by Rachel Stewart include the changing tide of public opinion on water quality, and the unfortunate oversharing of the PM...
Thanks to fellow columnist and last year's La Fiesta Green Drinks speaker, Nicola Young for a glowing introduction on the evening.
February: Peter Watson, Quaker Peace and Environmental Activist, gave an inspiring illustrated talk about the 'green' aspects of his very recent trip to Palestine - including the Tent of Nations farm near Bethlehem.
January 2016: Well-known local conservationists Peter & Ella Grant spoke about the Whanganui Science Forum which they launched late last year in an effort to boost scientific literacy - which they believe will be vital for the decisions we need to make in the future. Recent speakers at the forum have included Prof Ralph Chapman, VUW, and freshwater ecologist Dr Mike Joy. To get on the Science Forum mailing list please email: Peter Grant
We also had a brief updates from Forest & Bird's Esther Williams and Whanganui Regional Museum's Curator of Natural History, Mike Dickison, about the upcoming Bushy Park BioBlitz on Feb 13-14, and the Whanganui Summer Programme.
Thank you to Mayor Annette Main and Melinda Hatherly for giving a heartfelt tribute to a much-loved Whanganui woman Judith Timpany who passed away the previous week.
-- 2015 --
December 2015: Eric Jansseune, Environmental Solar Engineer at EWA TEC Global swung by Whanganui to entertain us; he schooled us on solar energy and recent projects bringing solar power to schools and marae around the country - including the now well-known 'Tuhoe building' - Te Wharehou O Tuhoe.
November: Whanganui Green Drinks gatherings continue to grow... Charles Ranginui of Charles Ranginui Adventure Tours and photographer of the Whanganui Awa, shared his journeys on the river with over 40 attendees as part of our celebrations of Whanganui River Week 2015.