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Auckland Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Auckland organiser on: 2020-06-28


Welcome to Auckland Green Drinks

Green Drinks in Auckland is coordinated by the Auckland Branch of NZAEE (NZ Association for Environmental Education) in partnership with The Sustainability Society (TSS). NZAEE work with different "hosts" throughout the year who provide a unique venue and run the event to showcase their organisation, a key project or a specific celebratory day (ie World Water Day etc). TSS coordinate a monthly 'low-fi' form of Green Drinks in a central Auckland location (Wynyard Pavilion, Wynyard Quarter - 5.30-7.30pm) where people interested in sustainability come together for a regular casual catch-up.  The aim of Auckland's Green Drinks is to get people from different professions and backgrounds together to talk sustainability… it’s about scientists talking to ad execs, urban planners talking to teachers, business leaders talking to not-for-profits, engineers talking to artists, academics talking to TV producers, and actors talking to architects.

Our Next Green Drinks 

We hold 'Low-Fi' Green Drinks on the first Wednesday each month at Wynyard Pavilion in central Auckland, 5.30-7.30pm. 

Green Drinks events at other venues around Auckland will be promoted via our Green Drinks invite database. Invites will be sent to the Green Drinks database a week or two prior to the event.  

If you are not already on the invite database, then you can register at http://www.boltmail.co.nz/nzaee/green-drinks-subscription.html


Future Events and Hosts

Green Drinks can be hosted by any businesses, community groups or individuals. If you would like to host Green Drinks, we would love to talk to you! Please contact us at auckland (at) nzaee. org.nz

Our History

Auckland Green Drinks started in September 2007 after the Auckland Branch of NZAEE (NZ Association for Environmental Education) discussed networking opportunities for their members.  Green Drinks seemed like the perfect way to bring together everyone interested in environmental and sustainability issues.

Our first Green Drinks was hosted by NZAEE at the Auckland Regional Council offices and attracted 200 guests from 80 different organisations...it was an amazing night that included a mix-and-mingle Green Pub Quiz.

Since then we have gone from strength to strength...NZAEE have partnered with many hosts in different areas to generate highly succesful events:













We also continue to partner with other organisations to hold larger Green Drinks events at different locations around Auckland. If you or your organisation is interested in holding a Green Drinks, please email us - auckland [at] nzaee [dot] org [dot] nz

 Contact Us     

If you would like more information about Green Drinks in Auckland then email auckland [at] nzaee [dot] org [dot] nz.