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Maple Meadows Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Maple Meadows organiser on: 2020-06-29

Maple Meadows Green Drinks is a regular, informal gathering of friends and neighbours from the Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows area. It's an opportunity to connect, learn and socialize with people who share an interest in the environment and a commitment to sustainability. 

Everyone is welcome – any age, background or group, from NGOs to academia to government, from big business to self-employed, from students to generally concerned citizens to subject matter experts.

We are not affiliated with any political party.

Notice: Green Drinks events are temporarily halted due to COVID-19. 


We are considering ways to host online events while physical distancing and self-isolation are advised. In the meantime, stay up to date with sustainability topics on our Facebook page. 

Contact us

Email: greendrinks.maplemeadows@gmail.com 
Follow us on Facebook