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Bathurst Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Bathurst organiser on: 2025-03-03




This is an event for environmentally-minded Bathurstians (and other local people) who meet for a monthly drink to socialise, network and explore collaborations.  It is a space created for those interested in environmental sustainability and eco-efficiency, and is hosted by Greening Bathurst.

Bathurst Green Drinks is your must-attend monthly hub for meeting other people doing important things, and learning about other events happening around the Central West of NSW.

Essentially, the aim is to be a social think-tank with the environment as the common denominator.

Green Drinks is agenda-free and non-politically aligned.

Individuals from businesses, not-for-profits, government, academia, and community groups welcome, as well as those with personal projects, or simply with a passion for the environment who want to get more involved!

Each week we will be asking you to make sure to spread the word and also to try to bring along someone new.  The larger we grow, the more impact we can have!!

Date: The fourth Thursday of each month 

Venue: The Greens on William 

Start time: 5:30 pm for a 6pm talk, then a short Q&A session. 

RSVP: Not required, but handy so that the venue knows how many people to expect. RSVP to greeningbathurst@gmail.com

Cost: There will be a $5 entry fee for people who are waged or otherwise able to pay. 

The fee covers the cost of the venue and nibbles.  For students or those who are less able to pay, a gold coin donation would be appreciated.  PLEASE BRING CASH as we do not have an EFTPOS terminal (although the venue does and you can withdraw cash when you buy a drink from the bar).  Drinks are pay as you go - available at the bar.  There will also be a donations jar for anyone who feels like donating.  All donated funds will be used towards travel and accomodation for future speakers.

60 Second Soap Box: 

If there is something going on that upsets you, and you want to "name and shame", you can have 60 seconds to jump on the soapbox and proclaim it loud and clear (but please keep it respectful and otherwise appropriate)! Likewise, if there is something really good, or an event that you want to publicise - feel free to let everyone know.  Just remember - you only have 60 seconds!



Join us to listen to Emily Cotteril from The Environmental Factor. Emily is a Certified Environmental Practitioner (CEnvP) and Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Accredited Assessor (BAAS 20011) with extensive experience in environmental project management. She has worked with threatened flora and fauna, conducted ecological surveys, and developed monitoring programs for Endangered Ecological Communities. Emily has led environmental impact assessments, prepared management plans, and provided compliance guidance on major infrastructure projects. She is skilled in engaging communities, agencies, and stakeholders. In her presentation, Emily will explore how landowners—both rural and urban—can enhance local biodiversity, the concept of "nature positive," and ways individuals can contribute to conservation efforts.



Oct 2024

This month, we were joined by Dr. Kellie Leigh, CEO of Science for Wildlife, who shared her groundbreaking work in koala conservation. Dr. Leigh discussed her discovery of nationally significant koala populations in the rugged Blue Mountains, providing fresh insights into their ecology and the challenges they face. Attendees also met Groot, her energetic scat detection dog in training, who plays a vital role in tracking koalas across challenging terrains. It was an inspiring evening with one of Australia’s leading voices in conservation.

Sep 2024

In September, we were joined by Jed Coppa, the passionate filmmaker behind Following the Flow, a documentary that explores the Macquarie Wambool River and the communities it shapes. Jed shared insights on water management, the challenges facing inland waterways, and the journey of creating his impactful film during the extreme drought and subsequent floods.


Aug 2024 

Our speakers for August were the volunteer founders of the Barton Park Giant Trees Arboretum, Mark Watchorn and Bruce Ryan. Mark and Bruce shared their inspiring journey, from being inspired by a visit to a Sequoiadendron giganteum in New Zealand to creating an arboretum in Lithgow, Australia. They discussed how they secured a long-term lease with Energy Australia, cultivated remarkable trees, and overcame challenges with the help of dedicated volunteers. Their presentation offered insights into their exciting vision for the future of Barton Park and ways the community can get involved.


July 2024

Our July speaker was Danielle Francis, WSAA's Manager of Policy and Strategy. With extensive experience in water policy, including managing the Sydney Desalination Plant and contributing to global water initiatives, Danielle discussed innovative approaches to ensuring secure and sustainable water supplies in the face of climate change. 


June 2024

Tiffany Mason, Senior Ecologist at NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust. Since 2017, the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) has been helping landholders protect native vegetation on their properties through conservation agreements. Landholders play a valuable role in the National Reserve System, with 3% of protected land in NSW under private stewardship. Tiffany's talk explained about how the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust operates and how landholders can get involved in these conservation efforts.


May 2024

Deborah Taylor, Council's Energy Strategy Officer, provided an update on Council’s Climate Change mitigation work. She discussed Council’s substantial energy consumption due to its extensive operations and facilities, and highlighted the significant emissions from the Council-owned landfill at the Bathurst Waste Management Centre. Deborah outlined the Council’s framework of response, the adoption and implementation of its Emissions Reduction Plan, and reviewed progress in achieving emissions reduction targets.

April 2024

Dejan Simovic, our first April speaker, is a certified Passive House Designer and Circular Economy Advisor. Dejan has over 30 years of international experience and more than 20 years local Australian experience in research, planning, design and development management on various projects, from individual houses, subdivision plans, and master planned developments, to large residential towers in Sydney CBD. Dejan presented his innovative approach to developing sustainable urban precincts, which has its foundations in the work of Walter Burley Griffin, and uses the concept of the Circular Economy. The Circular Economy approach is all about design:

designing out waste;
designing flexible places/buildings so that they can accommodate multiple uses through their lifetime;
designing regenerative places and regenerating natural habitats where possible.

UNSW Professor Greg Leslie, our second April 2024 speaker, was co-hosted by BCCAN. Professor Leslie is the Director of the UNSW Global Water Institute, and the Director of the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology. Prior to joining UNSW, he worked in the public and private sector on water treatment, reuse and desalination projects in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. Professor Leslie spoke about the work of the Global Water Institute and also what it’s like to participate in a Conference of the Parties (COP) meeting on climate change. He attended COP 28 in Dubai 30 November to 13 December 2023.

February 2024

Professor Sebastian Pfautsch gave an inspirational talk about the cooling functions delivered by green infrastructure, and how the choice of surface and building materials and engineered shade can help to keep urban environments cooler as we experience more extremes of summer temperatures. He also had a meeting with relevant Bathurst councillors and staff earlier in the day to discuss how Bathurst could become a "Tree City of the World". https://treecitiesoftheworld.org/ Sebastian's presentation was attended by more than 70 people which indicates the degree to which the people of Bathurst are concerned about the effects of global warming.

November 2023

Dr. Meredith Brainwood (Senior Environmental Scientist and Managing Director, Applied Ecology P/L) and Caroline Forest (Consulting Arborist/Arborecologist and Restoration Ecologist, Applied Ecology P/L.) gave an interesting and amusing talk entitled "Ecological restoration – it’s not just a job!" which covered some of the amazing natural areas they have worked in, what they did and the important ecological restoration lessons they learned along the way.

October 2023

Joel Little gave a wonderful presentation about the wildlife sanctuary “Conmurra” which he and his wife, Andrea, own. Joel’s presentation “A journey to conserve local endangered wildlife” was both entertaining and thought-provoking. His property is also an Airbnb. If you decide to stay at Conmurra, Joel is happy to take you on an evening stroll through the property to introduce you to the animals he is in the process of breeding and reintroducing into the local area.

September 2023

Mick Callan spoke on the topic "The Hollow Crisis". Mick Callan is a local ecologist and ornithologist who specializes in hollow dependent fauna. Mick’s presentation covered the loss of tree hollows globally and the types of animals that are being impacted. Mick also discussed the various artificial habitat solutions currently available, the pros and cons of each, and how his research led to the development of the Habitech modular nest boxes. You can find Mick's website here: https://www.habitatinnovation.com.aus.

August 2023

John Fry spoke on “Managing Water in a Drying Climate”. John presented a short overview of how we can manage water for landscape and climate restoration using proven regenerative rehydration methods to rehydrate soils, subsoils and floodplain aquifers. John’s work with a wide range of land managers and community volunteers over the last 30 years in the Bathurst watersheds has included restoring the natural functions of wetlands and creeks, repairing erosion gullies, and establishing tree corridors.

July 2023

Norman Wise spoke about the history of Bathurst's water supply including the historic Bathurst Council water tunnel built over 24 years from 1889 to 1913, and in use until the 1950s. He also spoke about the impact that changing weather and rainfall patterns are having on the security of Bathurst's water supply.

June 2023

Paul Robb, Activist. Video: On Vimeo, The Lights of Oakajee at https://vimeo.com/92178322
Paul provided some tips about being a successful activist. These included:

Stay positive in life and 'don't let the bastards get you down.' Stay focused on your passions and beliefs and prioritize what will help you to achieve them. If you stick to your path others will follow when they see you being positive, driven by passion to do the right thing and leading by example.
Retain integrity by sticking to the facts of the issue, derived from credible sources and evidence. i.e. don't exaggerate. Don't get dragged into personal tiffs - focus on actions and outcomes rather than words or personalities.
Use talk back radio and the media to raise and expose issues, lies, and mistruths. Don't be afraid to create alter egos or characters (real or otherwise) who can run the media gauntlet and put forward progressive ideals to stimulate discussion challenge the 'old school' and educate those who might be misinformed and misguided.

May 2023

Ashley Bland, President of Greening Bathurst, talks about Greening Bathurst's rather controversial support of the proposed Yelholme pumped hydro project. https://youtu.be/XD3FL6LnVYE