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Beaufort Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Beaufort organiser on: 2023-12-10



Always (almost) the first Tuesday of every month @ 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Very will occaisonally move it if the day happens to be a holiday, such as 4th of July was in 2023. Our gathering begins at 5:30 PM and we have a networking / social time until 6:15 PM when our prenestes begin. We end at about 7:00 PM.


Our current constant place is ShellRing Alewworks in Port Royal, SC. Port Royal is right next to Beaufort. Shellring Alehouse is a fantastic local brewery whose owner is incredibly supportive. And occasionaly we will have a different location that will be announced though our event e-mail invitation and our Facebook event invitation.
We currently have an amazingly vibrant group with attendence generally between 60-90 (often many more) people at each meeting. We also have a speaker give a brief (10-20 minute) talk/presenataion  on a relevant topic every month. These subjects have ranged from urban chickens to cast netting to marine debris and local environmental issues.
We have a fantastic steering comitee dedicated to keeping GreenDrinks Beaufort vibrant and relevant.
For up to the date information on our locations and speakers, please visit our Facebook page at:
Also our website at: http://www.greendrinksbeaufort.com
Find Shellring here:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/stm1kyko1LTuyx6p9
AND to SUBSCRIBE to the electronic invite list for GreenDrinks Beaufort, email us at greendrinksbeaufort@gmail.com.
We welcome all newcomers.