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Middletown Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Middletown organiser on: 2024-11-14

November 14, 2024

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Brushmill by the Waterfall - 129 West Main St, Chester, CT

Join The Rockfall Foundation at The Brushmill by the Waterfall in Chester, CT, as we welcome Kim Price, the driving force behind the Chester Fair’s Zero Waste initiative. Kim has both forestry and wood science degrees. Semi-retired, he’s worked for the same company for 47 years in paper sales, focusing the last 20 years on eco-friendly packaging. By incorporating post-consumer waste, properly harvested wood fiber and production with certified energy alternatives, Kim was able to help companies like Estée Lauder, NBCU and Origin Cosmetics meet their corporate sustainability goals.

At this Meet Your Greens event, Kim will share insights into the Chester Fair’s ambitious goals and community-driven efforts to reduce waste drastically. Whether you’re passionate about sustainability or just curious about how a local fair can achieve such impressive environmental goals, this discussion promises to be informative.

Join us on Thursday, July 18, at The Brushmill by the Waterfall 


Meet Your Greens/Middletown Green Drinks is organized by The Rockfall Foundation and welcomes all who are interested in making connections and exchanging news about emerging environmental issues to help keep the Lower Connecticut River Valley communities green and growing. This informal gathering generally meets on the 3rd Thursday, unless otherwise noted, at various locations.  Events will sometimes have a speaker (15 to 20 minutes) and always provide community, nonprofit, and business folks time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration. Middletown Green Drinks are usually free and always open to the public. However, food and beverage purchases are the responsibility of the individual. All are welcome with no reservations or advanced registration necessary. If your establishment would like to be a host site or for additional information, please contact The Rockfall Foundation at 860-347-0340.

For additional information or to become a member of The Rockfall Foundation, go to Rockfallfoundation.org and join our Meet Your Greens Facebook Group