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Christchurch Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Christchurch organiser on: 2023-12-10

Stay Up to Date with Christchurch Envirohub's Facebook for our most recent events! 

Green Drinks Christchurch is up and active so come by for a drink and mingle with fellow environmentally-minded individuals in Christchurch. 

In 2024, all of our green drinks events will be hosted on the third Thursday of each month.


January's Event (January 18th from 6pm-8pm): https://fb.me/e/3jKRNNb5A 

Dive into a captivating evening with Roz Rolls, the Network Facilitator and Project Co-Ordinator behind ?t?karo Orchard Food Forest and Urban Farm in Christchurch City Centre, and the Sumner Food Forest.



Follow our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/christchurchenvirohub/