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Dublin Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Dublin organiser on: 2018-09-18






Join the Irish Wildlife Trust for Green Drinks Dublin in J.W. Sweetman

When? 1st Tuesday every month, doors open 18.30:, talk at 19.00
Where? Top floor, J.W. Sweetman (formerly Messrs Maguires), 2 Burgh Quay Map
How Much? FREE
RSVP: Facebook or email dublinbranch@iwt.ie 

TALKS IN 2018 
January 9th - Maria McGrail - Wildlife Photography
February 6th - Conor O'Brien - The Extinct Wild Auks of Ireland
March 6th - Faith Wilson - Close to Nature Forest Management, the Pro Silva Approach
April 3rd - Debbie Pedreschi - Marine Conservation Issues
May 1st - Declan Murphy - Greater Spotted Woodpecker 
June 5th - Kilian Murphy - Return of the Wolf to Ireland?
​July 3rd - Dan Buckely - the Black Poplar, ireland's Rarest Tree
August 7th - Kieran Flood - Discover Ireland's Lizards
​September 4th - Orla Ni Dhuill - Bees and other pollinators 
October 2nd - Rory O'Hanlon - Invasive Species
November 6th - Faith Wilson - the Pro Silva approach to Forest Management
December 4th - Right to Repair Movement Ireland



Raise a glass to a brighter future!

The Irish Wildlife Trust Dublin Branch continue to bring you the very best of green issues with  Green Drinks Dublin  on the first Tuesday of every month! 

Make sure you come along, share in a Green cocktail or two, and join the conversation! 
  Find us on facebook or e-mail dublinbranch@iwt.ie for more details 

See you at an event soon,

The Green Drinks Team


Find us on Facebook:


Irish Wildlife Trust Dublin Branch

Green Drinks


If you are interested in presenting at Green Drinks in future, please email us at dublinbranch@iwt.ie


We would like to thank the following companies for supporting Dublin Green Drinks:


J.W. Sweetman's.


Ha'penny Bridge. Picture by Barces from Wikimedia Commons