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Durban Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Durban organiser on: 2019-04-30


The world-famous *** Green Drinks *** has come to Durban! As part of the One Planet Cities Initiative, to network and get people talking to each other about all things green that they are doing / would like to do / are already doing, in our City.

WHEN: THURSDAY 9th MAY 2019, 16h30 - 18h30

WHERE: MONTH OF MAY 2019 ONLY - I-TRUMP ABM, 77 Monty Naicker Street(old street name - Pine Street), directly opposite ICC Arena, to see the Roof Top Garden that was part of the Priority Zone. 

WHAT TO BRING: Your own drinks and nibbles, as we will stay atop the garden until the sun goes down. We can then adjourn to our usual venue, the Coffee Tree Glenwood, https://www.facebook.com/coffeetreeco/, corner of Cato Road and Deventry Place, Glenwood, for a spot of grass dining and some delicious pizza or bunny chow, weather permitting.


HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, lift share, taxi (if a private one ok if more than 2 passengers ;)

WHO: Anyone working on environmental issues or studying them

WHY: Fun, contacts, networking, info, gossip, inspiration, business and pleasure

REMINDER: To get on this email circulation list, send an email to: sarah.alsen@bioregional.com
PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders. We will not give your email address to anyone else

GREEN DRINKS HISTORY: Informal, self-organising network. Every month since 1989, globally.

GLOBAL: Now active in 600 cities worldwide! UK | USA | Canada | Germany | Poland | Sweden | The Netherlands | Japan | Australia | South Africa I Chile | Puerto Rico  



Usual venue and detail: 

Venue: The Coffee Tree Glenwood, on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/coffeetreeco/

          Corner of Cato Road and Daventry Place

          Glenwood, Durban.

Time: anytime between 5-7pm on the last Wednesday of every month, bring camp chairs or picnic blankets, as it is informal ‘grass dining’ – out on a grassy bank opposite the coffee shop. PIZZA and soft drinks will be on sale for one’s own account, BYOB if you have a designated driver. RAIN STOPS PLAY and we may have to find a new venue, for winter!!