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Portsmouth Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Portsmouth organiser on: 2023-03-02

When & Where?

Update Dec 2022: For the past 6 years, Portsmouth Green Drinks has held monthly events, but in 2023 things are changing.

Thursday 9th March, 7.30 - 9pm @ Old Custom's House, Gunwharf Quays (upstairs in Buster Crabb room) - join us to connect and share news.

What do we do?

Portsmouth Green Drinks is a great way of meeting others working in the environmental sector, or who are simply interested in environmental issues and want to enjoy a relaxed evening in good company.  

Portsmouth Green Drinks is part of the Green Drinks network, an international informal networking group on an environmental theme.

The main focus of the evening is the networking, but we also arrange for at least one person to stand up and give a ten minute talk about a green issue, campaign or publication that they are involved in. If you would like to say a few words about something you’re involved in, please send an email to Clare. The speaking slots start from around 8pm.

We also have a ‘Green board of great events if you have any great events, ideas, articles you would like to share please either bring along or send it to me in advance, from community workshops to Sustainability awards, to available grants. We can also send links for these around to people who could not make that evenings meeting.

Get in touch

For further information email Clare at greendrinksportsmouth(at)gmail.com or find us on Facebook