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Southampton Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Southampton organiser on: 2021-08-03


Southampton Green Drinks is a great way of meeting others working in the environmental sector, or who are simply interested in environmental issues and want to enjoy a relaxed evening in good company.  

Southampton Green drinks is part of the Green Drinks network an international informal networking group on an environmental theme. It is a great way to meet others working in the environmental sector or for people who are simply interested in environmental issues and want to enjoy a relaxed evening in good company.


Southampton Green Drinks is currently meeting virtually. Our next event is on September 21st, 12:30 - 13:30 looking at recycling behaviour change. Coffee morning events will continue online until the end of the year on the third tuesday of each month, 9 - 10am. Check our facebook page or Solent IEMA for booking details


Southampton Green Drinks meets at The Mayflower Village, 22-26 Commercial Road, SO15 1GE, next door to the Mayflower Theatre. Meetings are from 6.30pm onwards (typically until approx. 9pm) on the third Tuesday of every month. We're normally on the mezzanine area. Look for the Green Drinks sign. 

Whilst keeping to the informal and friendly ethos of Green Drinks some months we start the session with a presentation or discussion lead by one of the members. We also have specific events in partnership with Solent IEMA and the local Sustainable Business Network throughout the year.

If you would like to attend come along to one of our meetings or contact me and I'll add you to the mailing list for updates of events.

Hope to see you at the next meeting


For further information email Duncan at southamptongreendrinks@gmail.com 

or find us on Facebook