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Hastings-Napier Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Hastings-Napier organiser on: 2023-07-25



Is next on: 9 August, 5.30pm - 7.00pm




August Green Drinks -

Environment Centre Hawke's Bay


When: Wednesday, 9 August,?5.30pm - 7.00pm.?? 
Where: Environment Centre Hawke’s Bay, 201 Southland Road, Hastings. Plenty of parking.? 
Hosts: Solar Concepts 
Maximum:?20 - 25 pax? 
RSVP:?No later than?10am?on Tuesday 1st August - greendrinks@environmentcentre.org.nz? 
Koha:?$10pp as some nibbles and drinks will be provided. BRING CORRECT MONIES.? 
“Solar Concepts is your local, trusted solar provider here in the Sunny Hawke’s Bay. 
We provide households with solar systems uniquely tailored to their needs, to help their pocket and our environment. 
We are passionate about what we do and look forward to helping more families go green!”