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Joliet Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Joliet organiser on: 2019-11-18

January 15, 2020

Gatto's, 1938 E. Lincoln Hwy, New Lenox


Join us for the first Green Drinks in 2020! Brook McDonald, CEO of The Conservation Foundation will share with us the results of a study TCF commissioned that informs how we talk to the public about conservation. Are terms Climate Change and Ecosystems still "dirty words"? How do we reach those we usually think of as unreachable? If you regularly speak with the public, this is a Green Drinks not to miss!

PLEASE RSVP! The restaurant is asking for an accurate head count this time. Please let me know if you're coming!

As always, Green Drinks events are free. Food and beverages are available for purchase.    

Thank you to our sponsor, The Conservation Foundation!

Please RSVP via email, or Facebook.

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