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Luxembourg Green Drinks

Welcome to Green Drinks Luxembourg!

Green Drinks Luxembourg was created for everyone interested and working with environmental issues (and sustainability in general!). The purpose of this community is to meet regularly and build a stronger community in Luxembourg.

Luxembourg is a multilingual country, therefore there is no official language in our events. We speak different languages at Green Drinks Luxembourg.

Don't hesitate to tell your network about it: everybody is welcome and every event is free! 

I hope to see you at our next Green Drinks event in Luxembourg!

All the best,

Cintia Procaci

(Contact me at info@abeautifulgreen.com)


Spread the word:

Website: greendrinks.lu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greendrinksluxembourg/


Our next event is:

Date: 6th of January 2020 (Monday) from 18h00 until 21h00.

Venue: Silversquare Luxembourg (21, rue Glesener - Luxembourg City)

Would you like to join us? Send an email to Cintia at info@abeautifulgreen.com