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Frederick Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Frederick organiser on: 2019-04-10

April 2019 Green Drinks... eat, drink, learn

When: Wednesday, April 17, 2019... From 5pm to 7pm
Where: Attaboy Brewery | 400 Sanger Ave #400 | Frederick, MD 21701  Map
This month’s topic: On the move with Green Transportation!
Free event 
On the move with Green Transportation!

5:30 pm: Ron Kaltenbaugh, President of the DC Electric Vehicle Associations will talk about the state of electric vehicles in Frederick County.

6:10 pm: Mimi Zee, Manager of Pedego Bikes in Frederick will discuss the state of electric bikes. Pedego is the number one brand of electric bikes in America. Pedego in Frederick offers sales, rentals and tours!

Join us for a beer and to learn more about going electric!

Green Drinks event is free.
This event is a non partisan politics-free zone!

CoSponsored by:

MD Goes Green  |  Community Fare  |  Envision Frederick County  |  Green  |  Middletown Sustainability Commission
Every month people who work in the sustainability field meet up at informal sessions known as Green Drinks.

These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity. It can be a force for good in our community.

The spirit of green drinks is that anyone can come, and this makes for interesting interactions. If you are interested in green, ecological, environmental, organic, renewable, and sustainability issues, you are welcome to attend.

RSVP is not required, but it would be helpful to get a head count...

Rich Maranto
rich [at]