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Moka Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Moka organiser on: 2020-02-10

Welcome to the first Green Drinks location in Mauritius. 

This event has no set agenda, only an understanding that we all benefit from knowing our network and expanding our reach (see the Green Drinks Code on this site). You can expect to meet entrepreneurs, corporate sustainability officers, policy makers, consultants and more, to always keep up to date with current developments relating to sustainability. You might even meet your next project partner, client, employer, employee, etc.

WHAT:                 Come to the world-famous *** Green Drinks ***
WHEN:                18.30 'til late, Wednesday 13th November 2019.
RULE:                  Second Wednesday of every month.
WHERE:               The FLYING DODO, Bagatelle (unless otherwise specified). 
HOW:                  Walk, cycle, bus, carpool. Taxi OK  if more than 2 passengers ;)
WHO:                  Anyone working on sustainability issues or studying them.
WHY:                   Fun, contacts, alcohol (or not), info, inspiration, business and pleasure.
NEW:                   Just go up to someone and say "are you green?", and you'll be made welcome.
REMIND:              To get on this email circulation list, send an email to: xkoenig@cielgroup.com
PRIVACY:             This email list is ONLY for Green Drinks reminders. We will not give your email address to anyone else.
STATUS:               Informal, self-organising network. Every month since 1989. Average attendance: 70

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URL:                  http://www.greendrinks.org/--/Moka
FORWARD:          Please send this link to others who might want to come.