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Newark Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Newark organiser on: 2024-10-09

Newark Green Drinks -- New in 2024!

Join Newark area professionals for an informal networking event hosted by the Newark Green Team. Our next event will take place at the Judith L. Shipley Urban Environment Center at the Greater Newark Conservancy (32 Prince Street) on Thursday, October 24, 2024 starting at 6pm. This Green Drinks is sponsored by Ironbound Cider. Hard cider, wine, beer and light refreshments while supplies last. Please feel free to bring your favorite beverage or other refreshments for yourself or to share, &We don’t forget to dress warmly.  We will cozy up by the fire pit, but you will want to stroll the garden.

Sign up for event updates and get more information here: bit.ly/nwkgreendrinksoct24

Please note: this will be our last meet-up for 2024. Follow Newark Green Drinks on Eventbrite or click here to get added to the newsletter for future event updates. Tag us @greenfestnewark if you post about our events on Instagram!

If you'd like to co-host an upcoming event, or share information about your environmental initiatives with our event attendees, please email newarkgreendrinks@gmail.com.