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Noosa Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Noosa organiser on: 2024-08-05

Join us for the next Cleantech Network - Noosa Green Drinks event dedicated to the region's environmental sector. This month's special guest is the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation. Hear about their current campaign, Life in a Living Laboratory—where research and real-life converge, as well as the opening of the 2024 Noosa Biosphere Awards—who they are for and how you can enter!
When: Wednesday 7 August, 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Heads of Noosa, 85 Rene Street
Registration: https://events.humanitix.com/green-drinks-noosa-august-edition

What is Green Drinks Noosa?

Noosa Council is proud to host our local chapter of Green Drinks to support and build the capacity of the environment sector that works so hard in our region.

This monthly networking events continue every month at venues around Noosa.

The vibe is positive and uplifting with unique profitable connections already being created to support thriving business, net zero and zero wastebusiness as usual, circular solutions and local innovation.


Green Drinks International

Green Drinks is a global movement comprising forward thinking people with a passion for Conservation, Sustainability and the Environment. Green Drinks is NOT linked to the Greens Party. Green Drinks is in 60 countries with over 500 Chapters. 

Green Drinks is a monthly event for socialising, activism uand professional networking among environmentally-minded local individuals. Essentially, the aim is for Green Drinks to be a social think-tank with the environment as the common denominator. 

Green Drinks are agenda-free and non-politically aligned.

The intention is for Green Drinks to be an organic, self-organising network. Everyone invites someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd.

So if you think that this might be your thing, come along, bring an eco/ community -minded friend & spread the word .... and hopefully together, we can make Green Drinks Noosa a force for the environmental good!


The Fine Print:

It is important ensure that Green drinks stay consistent with the international Green Drinks 'directive' and that it be an authentic vehicle for like minded people with a common passion in all things green' to meet and to share and learn. It is not a vehicle for selling products or trying to drum up business. When attending Green Drinks, or inviting others, please keep that in mind. However Green Drinks also presents an opportunity for education and increasing general awareness in a casual social environment and businesses offering genuine environmental, social or community benefits are welcome to participate and be part of the team.  


Details for Green Drinks events and venues can be found at:     
