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Cincinnati Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Cincinnati organiser on: 2018-10-31

Green Drinks with Green Umbrella

Green Drinks Cincinnati

Green Drinks with Green Umbrella is held on the first Thursday of every month, 5:30 - 7:00 pm at rotating venues around Cincinnati. 

Upcoming Events

Our November Green Drinks will be hosted by the Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council, and is proudly co-hosted by the following organizations helping build a healthy, sustainable local food system in our region: 

Event is free and open to anyone interested in sustainability. Become a member of Green Umbrella at Green Drinks and your first drink is on us!


Urban Artifact
1660 Blue Rock St.
Cincinnati, OH 45223

Thursday, November 1st
5:30 - 7:00 pm

Please check Green Umbrella's events calendar for the latest information on upcoming Green Drinks as well as any sustainability-related events in Greater Cincinnati. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive Green Drinks event announcements and our 'Green News You Can Use' newsletter.


Green Umbrella is the leading alliance working to maximize the environmental sustainability of Greater Cincinnati. We’re driving collaboration to fuel measurable improvements in seven key areas of sustainability. Our vision is to have the region recognized as one of the top 10 most sustainable metro areas in the nation by 2020. 


Charlie Gonzalez, Communications and Membership Coordinator, at charlie@greenumbrella.org