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Didcot Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Didcot organiser on: 2018-07-04

Didcot Green Drinks meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 7.30pm-9pm at the Nourish cafe at Cornerstone.

Please note that 12th July 2018 will be at the allotment in Fleet Meadow 7.30-sunset if dry (BYOB) and in the Cornerstone as normal if raining. For more location details see https://sites.google.com/site/sustainabledidcot/community-allotment

In the unlikely event that you can't spot us, just ask the staff!

There's no fixed agenda, just mingling and drinks (alcoholic or non, hot or cold, purchased from Cornerstone). Sometimes someone will do an informal lightning talk.

Anyone working in, involved in, or just interested in environmental and sustainability issues is welcome. 

New faces are especially welcome, as are visitors from other CAGs or green drinks.

This event is run by Sustainable Didcot, part of Community Action Groups Oxfordshire

Any changes to this schedule will be published on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SustainableDidcot/ 

You can get in contact with us at sustainabledidcot@gmail.com