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Providence Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Providence organiser on: 2024-01-08


Join Providence Green Drinks for a monthly get-together of networking and sustainability discussions!



Connect with professionals, activists, and enthusiasts who are dedicated to making a positive impact on our planet. Engage in lively conversations, exchange ideas, and expand your sustainability network!

Folks hail from advocacy-oriented and educational NGOs, academia, green businesses, and government, and they come from all over our great little state, as well as nearby states, but mainly the Providence area. Through this network, people exchange information and ideas, develop professional and personal friendships, find jobs, develop synergies, help with others' projects, become more involved through community volunteering, and have lots of fun!

We have had monthly gatherings in Providence since 1999 and we became officially involved as part of the Green Drinks network in 2003. In 2017, Social Enterprise Greenhouse became the organizer. 

Whether you're passionate about renewable energy, agriculture, water, climate justice, or any others green-related topic, this event is for you.


Stay In The Loop: Join our mailing list or our LinkedIn group to stay up to date on upcoming events!


Interested in cohosting a Providence Green Drinks event? Contact us for more info!


Check out the latest green events info at What Grows On in Rhode Island  and the latest RI green news at ecoRI News.