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Seoul Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Seoul organiser on: 2019-02-09

Dear Green Friends and Heroes in Korea!

First of all, let us with you a very Happy Lunar New Year! 🐖🐗

Together, let's make this pig year an even greener milestone in our lives. 🍀

We are pleased to inform you that our next Green Drinks Seoul's networking event will be on Tuesday February 19, 2019 at Indie Beer Factory in Jung-gu, Seoul. 

This time, we will feature a presentation of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week - APFW co-hosted by the Korea Forest Service (KFS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), on June 17-21, 2019 in Incheon. Presentation (in English) by KIM Youngjae, KFS. 

Event details:

Organizer: Green Drinks Seoul
Date: February 19, 2019 (Tues.) from 7.30 p.m.
Venue: Indie Beer Factory - 1F, 17, Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 04518

Entrance fee: Free

RSVP by Feb. 18, 2019 through this link https://goo.gl/forms/p4hlWwMzhMyADXIW2
Supported by: Millenium DestinationsGreen BIMthe European Chamber of Commerce in Korea - ECCK, the French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Cercle des Entrepreneurs Francophones en Corée.   

Don't miss this nice opportunity to join nice green people like you!

The organizing team: 
Magali DESCHAMPS, Catherine GERMIER-HAMEL, Louis HAAG, Se Jeong KIM, Hortense SERRET

Green Drink Seoul is a group of professionals from the public and private sectors i,volved / interested in environment, sustainable development, green growth and ecology.   

Facebook Group: GreenDrinksSeoul

Green Drinks Seoul Webpage: www.greendrinks.org/Seoul

Would you like to host / support a GDS event, please contact us here: greendrinksseoul@gmail.com