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Songdo Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Songdo organiser on: 2020-07-28

GREEN DRINKS SONGDO 'al fresco' gathering > August 14 at 7:00pm

In these challenging times, we all have learned new ways about how to balance safety measures and social interactions. After a prudent recess, our first green drinks of 2020 will be 'al fresco' at the open-air rooftop of HYUNDAI PREMIUM OUTLETS, "Skygarden".


Green Drinks Songdo has the privilege to host a unique hybrid talk+concert event by classical music trio APERTO ENSEMBLE. The musicians D.M.A., Kim Mi-Yang, Sim Hye-Sun, and Sim Hye-Won, will share with us a talk titled 'Music is Healing: the role of classical music throughout hard times in History', as well as a performance with related repertoire. Music may have an even greater claim than other arts to being indispensable in times of struggle, tragedies, or uncertainties. When performed live, the power of classical music helps individuals see themselves as part of a unified whole connecting feelings via arts & environment.

The venue will offer exclusive deals and special membership offers for the participants of our event; while conducting COVID-19 SAFETY MEASURES (required wearing face mask, temperature checks & contact details upon entry, hand sanitizers provided, and social distancing promoted).


Details as below:

WHAT:   Brief Talk & Concert on ‘Music is Healing: The Role of Classical Music Throughout Hard Times in History’ by APERTO ENSEMBLE, Kim Mi-Yang (Piano), Sim Hye-Sun (Violin), and Sim Hye-Won (Cello)

WHEN:   August 14th, 2020 (Friday). From 7:00PM to 9:30PM

WHERE:  HYUNDAI PREMIUM OUTLETS Rooftop "Skygarden", open-air deck. 3rd Floor, 123 Songdo Gukje-daero (take Gate 2 elevators, next to Polo Ralph Lauren store)

HOW:    Walk, cycle, bus (9, 16-1, 81, 320, 909); subway (Technopark - Incheon Line1). Taxi OK  if more than 2 passengers ;)

WHO:    Anyone working/studying on environmental issues or interested about it + Classical music enthusiasts 

WHY:    Fun, contacts, drinks (or not), info, inspiration...


FREE ADMISSION. First come first served basis. It is required to enjoy, cheer up with participants, and exercise "COVID-19 common sense". See you there!



More info on our Facebook page @GreenDrinksSongdo and group Green Drinks Songdo

Would you like to host / support one of our events? If so, please contact us here: songdogreendrinks@gmail.com