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Ipswich Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Ipswich organiser on: 2022-05-06

We meet be on the third Thursday of every month from 7 pm to 8 pm. 

Venue:The Dove Street Inn, 76 St. Helens St, Ipswich, IP4 2LA (we meet outside at the back) . If you've not been before, look out for an A4 sign with the dragon logo above and a large green frog soft toy on the table.

Given the recent situation with the new COVID variant that may be in circulation, the government has reminded us all to be cautious and maintain the use of face coverings in enclosed spaces, to sanitise hands and, where possible, to keep to the 1 metre + rule. Please remember that if you have any symptoms or think you may have been exposed to the virus, to take a lateral flow test and only attend if the test is negative.

About Ipswich Green Drinks: If you've not been along before, this is an informal pub get-together for anyone local who works in - or has an interest in - environmental issues. It's not a formal meeting - there's no agenda or committee, no invited speakers etc. - it's just a chance to meet and network with a selection of like-minded people over a drink.   

Hope you can come along. Bring a friend and please pass this on to anyone else you think may be interested.

Contact: Charles at ipswichgreendrinks [at] tel 078 5477 6870