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Tampa Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Tampa organiser on: 2021-04-09

Welcome to Green Drinks Tampa Bay!  Current event information is listed on our website at https://sustany.org/green-drinks-tampa/


Green Drinks Tampa


Green Drinks Tampa, sponsored by the Sustany Foundation, is a great way to connect with individuals interested in the environment and sustainability in a fun and casual environment. We have a lively mixture of like-minded people from NGOs, academia, government and business and everyone is welcome. Everyone invites someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organizing network.

The events are simple and unstructured and everyone is welcome! Come catch up with friends, meet new contacts, make deals or just have a moments of serendipity. And if you want to change the world…it’s okay with us!


Green Drinks visits a variety of establishments, breweries, and wine cellars throughout the Tampa Bay area.  We try to schedule them on the third Wednesday of every month whenever possible.  All times, dates and locations are posted first on our Green Drinks Facebook Page.  Please be sure to like/follow the page.  


Due to COVID, we have not held a meeting during this epidemic.  Our next meeting is live and outdoors at Hula Bay in Tampa starting at 6 pm in the DUKES outdoor bar.




Trying to reduce our exposure by having this outside weather permitting.   


For more information about us and to see photos from past events, please visit our website at:



Hope to see you soon!