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Swindon Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Swindon organiser on: 2023-03-15

The last one was: Thursday 9th March 2023, 19.30 - 21.00 at The Hop, 8 Devizes Road, Swindon SN1 4BH

We're just starting to cautiosly meet again in Swindon, though a lot of people are still getting covid with the same long term risks as always so you may prefer to wait till we can meet outdoors again more comfortably or the cases die down a bit more!

At this monthly event there is no formal agenda, but a theme is usually adsvertised so people particularly interested in that topic can find like-minded friends and thinkers there: future theme and venue suggestions welcome.

We are just polling contacts for the next meetup, do contact us if you want to join us :) The last meetup was to intreoduce new members who had not met before and we intended to catch up with some SBC and SSPC councillors but they ended up having another short notice meeting that night :o.

SCAN also has other events advertised, many with Wiltshire Climate Alliance, and mostly online, at https://www.facebook.com/SwindonClimate/events


Organised by Swindon Climate Action Network (SCAN), https://www.facebook.com/SwindonClimate/ or https://swindonclimate.org/


Julian, 07809 122474, julian.p.jones@gmail.com