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Holmfirth Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Holmfirth organiser on: 2023-06-21

Welcome to Holmfirth Green Drinks 

All are welcome to join the first Holmfirth Green Drinks as part of the 'Holme Valley Green Week' organised by fairandfunky.


Holmfirth Green Drinks

WHERE - Cafe Root (Sude Hill Mill, Penistone Road, New Mill, Holmfirth)

WHEN - Monday 25th September

TIME - 6-8pm


A chance for people to get together and enjoy a Fairtrade brew or locally sourced beer! Expect friendly conversations, sharing ideas, positive connections, new friends and more!


A guest speaker - watch this space for details - will present at 6:30pm with opportunity for Q&A.


We propose that Holmfirth Green Drinks continues quarterly throughout the year. If you'd like the opportunity to present at future events please email helen@fairandfunky.com