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Huddersfield Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Huddersfield organiser on: 2018-10-08


Green Drinks Huddersfield & the Valleys is a great way of meeting others working in the environmental sector, or who are simply interested in environmental issues and want to enjoy a relaxed and stimulated early evening event.  

Huddersfield Green Drinks meets at Cafe Ollo, Media Centre, Northumberland Street, Huddersfield HD1 1PL from 17.30 onwards (until approx. 19.30) on the second Tuesday of every month, where you can enjoy coffee (locally ground, Dark Woods) and cake (or wine and beer if that takes your fancy).

In keeping with the informal and friendly ethos of Green Drinks we start the session with networking followed at 18.15 by a presentation or topical discussion. If you would like to attend come along to one of our meetings or contact me for more information. Contact: Chas Ball at chas.ball [at] me.com. You will find our programme on https://www.meetup.com/ where you can register for Green Drinks events. Please add yourself to this mailing list for updates of our programme.

Hope to see you at the next meeting on: Tuesday 9th October on the theme of barriers to cycling and Tuesday 13th November on the lessons of "shop local" from Green Valley Grocers co-op in Slaithwaite.

Green Drinks Huddersfield & the Valleys is part of the Green Drinks network - an international informal networking group on an environmental theme - and started meeting in February 2018.